[Abstract]:This paper takes the drainage system of the Maling River region of Suqian City as the research object, summarizes the present research situation of the urban drainage network model at home and abroad, selects SWMM as the research model, and utilizes the data processing and spatial analysis function of ArcGIS. To study the division of sub-catchment area; Based on the collection, arrangement and analysis of the local pipe network information, the pipe network is generalized. According to the measured data, the parameter rate determination is completed, and the drainage pipe network system model in the Maling River region of Suqian City is constructed. The hydraulic and water quality of the local drainage system was simulated. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the principle of SWMM model is analyzed and studied, and the requirements of SWMM for input parameters are clarified. The required data are obtained by combining the data processing function and spatial analysis function of ArcGIS, and the workload of model establishment is greatly reduced. The parameter rate is determined according to the measured data. According to the rainfall designed by the synthetic rainfall line of Chicago, the hydrological, hydraulic and water quality simulation of the local drainage network system is completed. (2) the relationship among rainfall, infiltration and runoff in the study area under different rainfall intensity is analyzed. There is a strong correlation between runoff and rainfall intensity. The higher the rainfall intensity, the higher the runoff flow. Under the rainfall conditions of different recurrence periods, the peak runoff discharge of the system is 36 m3 / s0 30.4 m3 / s0 71.8 m3 / s / s ~ 112.9 m3 / s, respectively. The peak arrival time of runoff is delayed by 9-14 minutes compared with the peak arrival time of rainfall intensity. The water accumulation in pipe network is simulated, and the time and depth of water accumulation are analyzed. (3) the erosion law of pollutants in the study area under different rainfall intensity is analyzed. The total amount of non-point source pollutants increased with the increase of rainfall intensity, and the discharge of pollutants reached the peak after the rainfall began, and the pollutants into the river showed obvious initial effect. 25% of the water volume (volume fraction) of the pollutants scoured is 35-50% of the total amount of pollutants. (4) solving the problem of stagnant water in the system through pipeline optimization and pipeline silt cleaning, etc. After the improvement, there is no water in the system under the condition of rainfall in the recurrence period of 2 years, which can guide the design of the pipe network in urban flood control and drainage. In order to solve the problem of non-point source pollution in some sub-catchment area by setting up reasonable storage pool, the simulation results show that setting reasonable Rain Water storage pool can reduce the runoff peak value by more than 90% and the pollution load caused by initial runoff by more than 90%. And the design of the storage tank can be guided by SWMM simulation.
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