本文关键词:金融因素对我国房价影响的理论与实证分析 出处:《首都经济贸易大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:自1998年住房制度改革以来,我国房地产市场化不断推进,房地产市场发展方式、发展规模和发展前景彻底地改变了。房地产市场的繁荣发展一方面推动我国经济的发展,另一方面也带来许多矛盾和潜在的危机。面对着房价的持续快速上涨,政府各部门运用了各种手段去控制房价,其出台频率和力度不断的加强,然而我国房价在政府调控下却出现了“越调越高”的窘迫局面。如何控制房地产价格,促进房地产市场健康、持续、稳定的发展,是我国政府一直坚持关注的问题,也是很多学者研究的课题。 影响我国房价的因素较多,本文研究的重点是金融因素。立足于当前的经济形势和现实情况,通过学习和借鉴不同学者的思想理论,将货币供应量、利率和汇率等金融因素对我国房价的影响进行定性和定量分析。在定性分析中,将教科书中的理论模式与我国的实践情况结合在一起进行分析和研究,,得出了货币供应量、利率和汇率通过不同的路径影响着我国房地产价格。在定量分析中,采用时间序列数据处理的经典方法,将影响我国房地产价格的金融因素分成两个层面进行实证研究。最后,在前文的定性和定量分析的基础上,提出了相关的建议。
[Abstract]:Since the 1998 reform of the housing system, continue to promote China's real estate market, the development of the real estate market, the scale of development and prospects of the development of completely changed. The prosperity of the real estate market development on the one hand to promote the development of China's economy, on the other hand, it also brought many contradictions and potential crisis. Facing prices continued the rapid rise in government departments to use various means to control prices, the introduction of frequency and intensity increasing, however, China's housing prices under government regulation has appeared more stressed the more high the embarrassing situation. How to control the real estate prices, the real estate market to promote the healthy, sustained, stable development, is I our government has always insisted on issues of concern, is also the subject of many scholars.
There are many factors affecting the real estate prices in China, this paper focuses on the financial factors. Based on the current economic situation and the reality of the situation, and learn through the students' ideological theory, the money supply, qualitative and quantitative analysis for the effects of interest rate and exchange rate and other financial factors on real estate prices in China in the qualitative analysis. The practice of theoretical models, textbooks and Chinese together are analyzed and studied, the money supply, interest rate and exchange rate affect the real estate price in China through different paths. In quantitative analysis, using the classical method of time series data processing, will affect China's real financial factors the price of real estate is divided into two level empirical research. Finally, based on the analyses above, puts forward relevant suggestions.
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