本文关键词: 城乡结合部 综合治理 合作 城乡一体化 出处:《农业部管理干部学院学报》2015年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Under the background of new urbanization and urban-rural integration, the problems existing in the urban-rural joint area have also aroused a lot of concern, and the governance of urban-rural conjunctions is of great importance. At present, the governance of urban-rural junction in China is dominated by the government, and is mainly power-driven. The system of univariate governance and the mode of sport governance. But this mode of governance has given birth to many problems, which affect the development of the urban-rural joint areas. The governance of the urban-rural joint areas is also a systematic project, so we should consider all aspects of the factors comprehensively. We should choose the mode of comprehensive management: to clarify the ownership of the management authority of the urban and rural areas, to clarify the responsibilities of the various government departments, to form a coordinated governance mechanism, to establish the thinking of unified planning of urban and rural areas and the construction of integration of urban and rural areas; It is of great significance for the governance of urban and rural areas to take a path of governance in which the government and the masses have the ability to cooperate with each other, and the comprehensive management mode is of great significance to the governance of the urban and rural areas.
【作者单位】: 南昌大学公共管理学院;
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