本文选题:省际边界区域 + 经济协调发展度 ; 参考:《经济经纬》2015年01期
[Abstract]:By means of the difference of economic growth level, spatial correlation analysis and local hot spot technology, this paper calculates the degree of the coordinated development of the regional economy in the inter-provincial boundary of the Central Plains Economic Zone, and the evolution of its spatial pattern. Compared with the interprovincial boundary area of the Yangtze River Delta region, the main conclusions are: 1) the economic difference of the inter-provincial boundary area of the Central Plains Economic Zone is smaller than that of the Yangtze River Delta region. The economic relations in the interprovincial boundary area of the Central Plains Economic Zone are not high, but significant, while the spatial correlation of the Yangtze River Delta region is higher than that of the Yangtze River Delta region. However, the trend of gradual weakening is that the degree of coordinated development of the inter-provincial boundary region of the Central Plains Economic Zone is lower than that of the Yangtze River Delta region. However, the gap between the two has gradually narrowed. (4) the degree of coordinated economic development at the inter-provincial boundary of the Central Plains Economic Zone basically maintains a stable state in terms of spatial distribution, and the areas with high degree of coordinated development are concentrated in only a few areas. Compared with the Yangtze River Delta, the high level areas did not promote the development of the surrounding areas. This paper proposes to use the advantages of cheap land and human resources to attract the industrial transfer of the more developed areas in the region and to develop the regional characteristic economy. To actively cultivate regional central cities with provincial boundaries and to strengthen inter-regional cooperation and other policy recommendations.
【作者单位】: 河南财经政法大学资源与环境学院;河南财经政法大学
【基金】:国家自然科学基金青年项目(41101128) 河南省政府决策研究招标课题(2014004) 河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划(2013年) 河南省高等学校青年骨干教师资助计划项目 河南财经政法大学青年学术创新骨干支持项目
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