本文选题:首钢居民区 + 自供水系统 ; 参考:《清华大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In our country, urban residents water supply work is mainly by the municipal water supply unit (water supply company), limited by the water supply pipe network, some urban residents water supply by enterprises and institutions themselves, formed from the water supply unit. As an important part of urban water supply in China, self-supply unit plays an important role in ensuring the safety and stability of urban water supply. It is understood that Beijing has more than 7000 self-water supply units, Shougang Group, Yanshan Petrochemical and Astronautical Ministry of the three hospitals are the largest three self-water supply units in Beijing. How to regulate, reasonably and effectively manage the self-supply units, control and eliminate all kinds of risks in the process of water supply, and integrate the water supply resources has become an important subject. As one of the largest self-water supply units in Beijing Shougang Group has demonstrated and directed the management and development trend of self-water supply system in Beijing. This paper introduces the historical formation, management status and main characteristics of the self-water supply system in residential area of Shougang, and applies the theory of risk management and the method of systematic analysis to the policy risk, water source risk and water quality risk of the self-water supply system in the residential area of Shougang. The management risk, management risk, technical risk and market risk are identified. The risk grades are classified by using Delphi method, risk matrix method and Bowder number method. Aiming at different risks, this paper puts forward measures to control and eliminate all kinds of risks from the aspects of strengthening management, upgrading technology, striving for policy support, exploring the establishment of mixed ownership water supply enterprises and integrating the self-supply system of residential area of Shougang. The paper first introduces the background and significance of the selected topic. This paper introduces the situation of water supply in cities of China, Beijing and Shijingshan, and analyzes the management of urban water supply at home and abroad. This paper briefly introduces the risk and problems of Beijing self-water supply system, which is represented by the residential area water supply system of Shougang. Secondly, based on the risk theory of urban water supply, especially the definition and description of the self-water supply system in Shougang residential area, this paper introduces the development course, the current situation of water supply and the management characteristics of the water supply system in the residential area of Shougang. Thirdly, using risk management theory and the method of system analysis, the risk identification of residential water supply system in Shougang is carried out. On the basis of risk identification, the comprehensive analysis method is used to evaluate the identified risk, and the risk grade of each risk is determined. In view of all kinds of risks in the residential area self-supply system of Shougang, the risk in the residential area self-water supply system of Shougang is eliminated and controlled by taking control and evading measures. Finally, in order to further transfer the external risks existing in the residential self-supply system of Shougang, this paper explores the method of establishing a mixed ownership water supply enterprise, and puts forward some suggestions and suggestions for the integration of regional water supply system. Achieve Shougang Industrial Company and Shijingshan Water Company win-win situation.
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