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发布时间:2018-06-04 04:48

  本文选题:房地产企业 + 层次分析法 ; 参考:《山东理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着城乡一元化进程的加快,居民住宅建设越来越多,我国的房地产企业从休眠到觉醒,必将面临一次新的狂潮。在21世纪初的这十几年中,房地产市场持续升温,房地产销售也越来越多。目前我国的房地产行业已经成为了第三大产业,仅仅排在通讯电子和汽车之后。伴随产业规模的扩大,建筑业以及房地产业的总产值占到GDP的10%以上,同时,房地产业与很多产业相关,所以促进房地产业合理有效发展是十分重要的。 房地产业是国民的支柱产业之一,对国家的经济发展起着重要的作用,改革开放以来,房地产业更是得到飞速发展,但同时,房地产业的人才流失现象也随之变得严重。诸多房地产企业都在为留不住人而苦恼不已,目前企业面临的一个问题就是,急缺物业管理人才和规划人才,还有就是熟悉房地产开发整个环节的全能型人才。 人力资源在企业的发展过程中起着至关重要的作用,企业只有科学的进行人力资源管理,树立正确的人力资源观,才能在竞争越来越激烈的市场中保持良好的竞争力。对于房地产企业来讲,拥有一支优秀的、相对稳定的人才队伍是房地产企业以及房地产营销机构能够得以存活并实现可持续发展的关键。 房地产业在国民经济中的重要作用和房地产业越来越严重的人才流失,构成了本文的研究背景。在此研究背景下,本文着重研究了QDJ房地产公司的人才流失问题,通过分析人才流失的影响因素,进而提出对房地产业关于解决人才流失问题的一些建议。 本文主要的研究内容: (1)对房地产业的发展趋势与发展历史进行了简单的阐述,并对从事房地产业的人员特征进行了分析。 (2)分析了房地产企业人才流失的影响因素,从宏观因素、企业个体因素和个人因素三个层次进行分析,基于层次分析法构建了影响房地产企业人才流失影响因素的模型,对员工离职原因进行分析,为后面人才流失的防范建议提供基础。 (3)实证研究了对QDJ房地产公司人才流失的影响因素,通过问卷调查与相结合的方法,在对房地产企业调查数据进行效度和信度分析的基础上,,对数据进行描述性统计分析,并根据得出的结果提出相应的对策。
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of the process of urban and rural unification, more and more residential construction, China's real estate enterprises from dormancy to awakening, will be faced with a new frenzy. In the beginning of the 21 st century, the real estate market continues to heat up, real estate sales are also more and more. At present, China's real estate industry has become the third largest industry, only after telecommunications electronics and cars. With the expansion of industrial scale, the gross output value of the construction industry and real estate industry accounts for more than 10% of GDP. At the same time, the real estate industry is related to many industries, so it is very important to promote the rational and effective development of the real estate industry. The real estate industry is one of the national pillar industries, which plays an important role in the national economic development. Since the reform and opening up, the real estate industry has been developing at full speed, but at the same time, the brain drain of the real estate industry has become serious. A lot of real estate enterprises are suffering because they can't keep people. At present, one of the problems faced by the enterprises is the shortage of real estate management and planning talents, as well as the all-powerful talents who are familiar with the whole link of real estate development. Human resources play a vital role in the development of enterprises. Only by scientifically managing human resources and setting up a correct view of human resources can enterprises maintain good competitiveness in the increasingly competitive market. For real estate enterprises, having an excellent and relatively stable team of talents is the key to the survival and sustainable development of real estate enterprises and real estate marketing organizations. The important role of the real estate industry in the national economy and the more and more serious brain drain of the real estate industry constitute the research background of this paper. In this research background, this paper focuses on the problem of brain drain in QDJ real estate company, and then puts forward some suggestions on how to solve the problem of brain drain in real estate industry by analyzing the influencing factors of brain drain. The main contents of this paper are as follows: 1) the development trend and history of the real estate industry are briefly described, and the characteristics of the personnel engaged in the real estate industry are analyzed. This paper analyzes the influencing factors of the brain drain in real estate enterprises, analyzes the factors from the macro factors, the individual factors and the individual factors, and constructs a model based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) on the influencing factors of the brain drain in the real estate enterprises. To analyze the causes of employee turnover, to provide the basis for the prevention of brain drain. 3) this paper empirically studies the influencing factors on the brain drain of QDJ real estate companies. Through the method of questionnaire and combination, on the basis of analyzing the validity and reliability of the survey data of real estate enterprises, the paper makes a descriptive statistical analysis on the data. According to the results, the corresponding countermeasures are put forward.


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