[Abstract]:The acceleration of the process of global urbanization makes the scale of capital for urban development expand day by day, especially the way of raising funds for urban development through modern financing and lending means provides great support and impetus for urban construction. However, the spread of global economic and financial crisis and regional sovereign debt crisis makes the accumulation and expansion of urban debt more serious. In order to understand more clearly the effect mechanism of urban debt and the contents and methods of measuring early warning, and to provide guidance and reference for the healthy and sustainable development of cities, this paper makes a literature review and analysis and summary of the relevant contents. The key directions of further research are also prospected. The results show that a lot of achievements have been made in foreign research, but the domestic research is still in the initial stage, the research perspective is limited, and there is a lack of multi-disciplinary, wide field and three-dimensional level research. Therefore, the future research should focus on the comprehensive analysis of the impact of urban debt on urban development from the perspective of human geography, the cumulative effect, the interactive coupling, and so on. The multilevel scale data are further analyzed by various analytical methods to explore the temporal and spatial differentiation pattern of urban debt and economic and social development, the law of evolution and the mechanism of action.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所;中国科学院大学;
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