[Abstract]:More than 30 years since the reform and opening up, it is a special period for the rapid development of the national economy, social undertakings and livelihood of the people. During this period, the pace of urban construction in China is getting faster and faster. Not only the number of cities in the whole country has increased sharply, but also the earth-shaking changes have taken place in the first big cities in China. The income and living standards of the people throughout the country have improved significantly. However, the development of megacities in China is accompanied not only by good life, but also by the first class of urban diseases. Although the country has known this problem for a long time, the word is not new, but in our country, "urban disease" has not been completely eradicated since the emergence of megacities, this topic can be said to last forever. For different megacities, each stage is beset by different "urban diseases". When a city disease is under control, a new one appears in front of the local government. If the "urban disease" is not solved or alleviated, it will not only affect the well-being and satisfaction of the citizens in mega-cities, but also affect the sustainability of urban development. This paper first discusses the significance of the study of "urban disease" in the first class cities of China and the related achievements of the research on "urban disease" at home and abroad. Secondly, it enumerates the most common diseases in the development of the first class cities in China. Then, the paper analyzes the direct factors and deep inducements that lead to the "urban disease" in the first rank of our country, especially the institutional inducement. Thirdly, as the focus of this paper, the possible ideas and methods to eradicate or control the first class "urban disease" in China are discussed. Finally, the paper describes the development of big cities in China.
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