[Abstract]:Information asymmetry of food as a special commodity is liable to lead to adverse selection and moral hazard, and lead to market shrinkage and efficiency loss; consumers can not effectively obtain accurate information of food safety because of product expertise and information search costs beforehand, and the results of consumer rights protection are often spillover, "free rider" "Become the rational choice of the overwhelming majority of consumers. Therefore, food safety control is a public product. In view of this, there are three approaches to food safety management: the legislative approach is to promote externalities internalization and transaction costs minimization through the definition of property rights; the administrative approach is to improve regulatory benefits through the improvement of mechanisms; and the judicial approach is to pass through. We should establish and improve representative litigation and public interest litigation to reduce judicial costs and promote public interest.
【作者单位】: 无锡商业职业技术学院党委;无锡商业职业技术学院;
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