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发布时间:2018-10-19 14:29
[Abstract]:China's logistics industry started relatively late, but with the process of China's entry into WTO, the logistics industry gradually connected with the market, and developed country logistics enterprises have also entered the domestic market. With the impact of the advanced management concept and operation mode of multinational enterprises, the logistics industry of our country is more market-oriented, and the competition of the industry is becoming more and more fierce. In recent years, the foreign trade market is unstable, the competition of freight forwarder causes the profit of the industry to drop, the price war attack causes the vicious competition situation in the industry to spread. What strategy should be adopted by state-owned enterprises because of their own background and advantages to face fierce competition and adverse economic situation? How are these strategies implemented? This will determine how to continue to survive and develop China Mineral Logistics Group Tianjin Freight Company. How to maintain the development of Tianjin freight transportation company in the complex economic situation and improve and progress continuously? what are the feasible suggestions or reference plans? In this paper, a systematic study is carried out. In this paper, the external environment of Tianjin freight company is analyzed firstly, then the industry analysis is carried out by using Porter's five-force model, and the strategic analysis is carried out by using SWOT analysis combined with the internal and external economic environment of the enterprise. Based on the analysis of the growth, business, financial situation and manpower status of the company, it is determined that Tianjin Freight Company of China National Mining Logistics Group should implement the strategy of service differentiation and horizontal integration. To the third party logistics transformation strategy and information network strategy to deal with adverse market environment.


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