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发布时间:2019-04-08 11:23
【摘要】:《中国特色新型城镇化发展战略研究》表示,自1978以来,截至2012年,我国城镇化率由17.9%提高到52.57%,由2亿多的城镇人口上升到7.1亿。但新型城镇化的发展不能简单的只看重数量,更要注重发展的质量。在未来二三十年里,必须着力解决“人的城镇化”问题,让城镇人口真正融入城市。中共十八大明确我国要走新型城镇化道路。该道路将遵从公平、共享原则。它打破了以前的城镇化路径,以人的城镇化为核心,以提高城镇化质量为关键,让城镇所有人公平分享城镇化的成果。住房保障作为最基本的社会保障,在新型城镇化要求下,应该把住房问题放在重要的位置加以重点考虑。只有把城镇中低收入群体最基本的住房问题解决好,才是其真正融入城市,共享经济发展与实现新型城镇化的前提条件。 论文首先借助《浙江省统计年鉴》相关统计数据及实地调研资料,利用统计软件,预测得到2013~2017浙江省城镇单套经济适用房和廉租房的市场总价、城镇家庭总收入、城镇非农人口、户均规模以及总户数,计算后,得出该期间内浙江省城镇需要住房保障家庭的收入保障线、保障比例,从而最终确定2013-2017年浙江省城镇新增保障房需求量,以便掌握浙江省城镇中低收入群体对住房保障的需求状况,促进浙江省住房保障政策的有效实施。 基于此,为了促进住房保障制度的顺利推行,论文分析了新的时代背景下浙江省经济适用房、廉租房、公租房与公积金的绩效、存在的问题及问题产生的原因。并对美国、德国、新加坡住房保障制度的实施方法、实施背景和成效加以比较研究,总结了其在如何有效解决中低收入群体住房保障需求的经验、教训,从中获得启示。然后,结合浙江省实际情况,为促进浙江省住房保障制度发展提出对策建议。最后,根据经济学理论,提出了对社会保障房的未来展望。
[Abstract]:Since 1978, the urbanization rate of China has increased from 17.9% to 52.57%, and the urban population has risen from more than 200 million to seven hundred and nine million nine hundred and ninety nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine, according to the study on the Development Strategy of New urbanization with Chinese characteristics. However, the development of new urbanization can not only focus on quantity, but also pay attention to the quality of development. In the next 20 to 30 years, people's urbanization must be solved, so that the urban population can really integrate into the city. The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has made it clear that China should take a new type of urbanization The road will follow the principles of equity and sharing. It breaks the previous path of urbanization, people's urbanization as the core, improve the quality of urbanization as the key, so that all people in cities and towns share the fruits of urbanization fairly. Housing security as the most basic social security, under the new urbanization requirements, housing problems should be put in an important position to be taken into account. Only solving the most basic housing problems of the low-income groups in cities and towns is the precondition for them to integrate into the city and share the economic development and realize the new urbanization. First of all, with the help of statistics data and field research data of Zhejiang Statistical Yearbook, using statistical software, the paper forecasts the total market price of comfortable housing and low-rent housing in towns of Zhejiang Province in 2013-2017, and the total income of urban families. After calculating the urban non-agricultural population, the average household size and the total number of households, it is concluded that during that period, the cities and towns in Zhejiang Province need housing to ensure the income guarantee line and the proportion of the families, so as to finally determine the new demand for indemnificatory apartment in cities and towns in Zhejiang Province from 2013 to 2017. In order to grasp the demand for housing security of middle and low income groups in cities and towns of Zhejiang Province, and to promote the effective implementation of housing security policy in Zhejiang Province. Based on this, in order to promote the smooth implementation of the housing security system, the paper analyzes the performance of comfortable housing, low-rent housing, public rental housing and provident fund in Zhejiang Province under the background of the new era, the existing problems and the causes of the problems. The implementation methods, background and effectiveness of housing security system in USA, Germany and Singapore are compared and studied, and the experiences and lessons on how to effectively solve the housing security needs of low-and middle-income groups are summarized, and the enlightenment is obtained. Then, combined with the actual situation in Zhejiang Province, the author puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to promote the development of housing security system in Zhejiang Province. Finally, according to the economic theory, put forward the future prospect of social indemnificatory apartment.


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