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发布时间:2017-12-28 18:18

  本文关键词:战略成本管理在S火力发电企业的应用研究 出处:《长沙理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: S火力发电企业 战略成本管理 价值链 战略定位 成本动因

[Abstract]:Under the current market economy environment, with the deepening of the electric power system reform, the price fluctuation and instability of the coal industry, the thermal power enterprises suffer from the dual pressure of the upstream and downstream industries, and they continue to separate from the plant network, and the direction of online bidding is further developing. The main product of the power generation enterprise is the electric energy, the high homogeneity of the electric energy, the simultaneous completion of the production and supply and marketing, which makes the only choice of the thermal power enterprises the cost leading strategy. The reduction of cost also determines the competitive power of thermal power enterprises in the market. Therefore, the thermal power enterprises must realize through low cost management to win the competitive advantage of enterprises, and the poor management of the enterprises will be eliminated in the fierce competition in the power industry, therefore, the use of strategic cost management to control the cost of thermal power enterprises is effectively improved by way of economic benefits. S thermal power generation enterprise is the earlier power plant of Hunan thermal power generation company. According to the characteristics of thermal power industry, according to the principles and methods of strategic cost management, based on the related literature, data collection and field investigation, this paper applies sank model to analyze the strategic cost management system of S thermal power enterprise. In this paper, through the investigation on the effect of the S thermal power enterprise and combining with the actual situation of power industry, power system reform policy content is brought to the enterprise, describes the composition of the power plant project cost, organization structure of cost management, and the necessity of the application of strategic cost management, analyzes the S thermal power enterprises, on the basis of on the application of value chain analysis, strategic positioning, cost drivers, and finally puts forward suggestions and measures of application. Through the application analysis, it is believed that the S thermal power enterprise can improve the core competitiveness of the enterprise through the strategic cost management and gain the competitive advantage. At the same time, by innovating the cost management concept, optimizing the enterprise value chain, grasping the core issue of cost control and improving the participation of the whole staff, we hope to further reduce the cost and improve the economic benefits of S thermal power enterprises.


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