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发布时间:2017-12-28 20:09

  本文关键词:徐塘发电公司燃料管理的成本控制 出处:《华中科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 电力企业 燃料成本 成本控制

[Abstract]:The electric power system reform began in 2002, and the power plant was pushed into the field of market economy, and the competition between thermal power generation was gradually fierce. Single thermal power installed capacity is the objective can not be changed, but the same type of unit is comparable to that of the traditional 300 thousand kilowatts for thermal power enterprises, how to take the operation in order to enhance their competitiveness, the unit energy consumption of 300 thousand kilowatts power unit and the traditional high cost of fuel is the largest thermal power enterprise project cost. The cost of power generation accounted for more than 70%. Under the premise of little difference in other costs, power generation enterprises in the same area, how to effectively control fuel cost and increase profitability, become the top priority of enterprise management. Based on the cost management theory, firstly expounds the current situation of Jiangsu Xutang power generation company in recent years fuel management background, geographic location and fuel procurement, transportation and storage and personnel, by analysis, comparison of data, summarizes the existing procurement channels, decentralized fuel cost management of Jiangsu Xutang power generation company distance long, high price, staff is not strong sense of responsibility, and extensive management and other issues, from an external location, internal management problems, analyze the reasons. Then, the "linear mathematical model" is used as the main tool to control the fuel cost. Combined with the standard coal price control and the fuel blending and blending, the improvement measures of fuel management control are put forward through numerical simulation and example analysis. Finally, from the five aspects of fuel supply, fuel storage, incoming coal acceptance, performance evaluation and efficiency monitoring, the safeguards for fuel cost control are put forward. In this paper, the idea of fuel cost control in thermal power plants has some reference significance to the thermal power enterprises in the same area.


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