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发布时间:2017-12-31 17:11

  本文关键词:基于物流成本管理的制造企业物流系统优化研究 出处:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 物流成本 物流系统 供应链协同 优化

【摘要】:随着我国改革开放的深入和经济全球化的进一步加深,市场竞争愈发激烈,作为世界工厂的中国,生产制造型企业众多,他们规模不一,经营水平和赢利状况千差万别,但无论是国有企业、私营企业还是外商独资或中外合资合作企业,在用扩大销售来提高利润的方法变得越来越难成行的今天,想方设法降低成本似乎成了唯一的选择,但中国的高速发展和通货膨胀同样带来了原材料和人工成本的增长,这压缩了总体成本下降的空间,因此,在这种情况下成本组合中占有相当大比重的物流成本就成为了诸多生产制造型企业关注的焦点。 本文在参考了国内外相关文献资料的基础上,首先简要介绍了国外物流发展状况和国内研究现状,随后综合介绍了物流成本的概念、组成以及物流成本管理方法和原则,明确了从整体上分析物流成本的重要性和必要性。 现代物流被称为继劳动力、自然资源之后的“第三利润源泉”,而保证这一利润源泉实现的关键是降低物流成本,通过对制造企业物流系统中的要素进行优化,是降低企业物流成本的有效方法。因此文章针对物流系统中包括仓储、运输、信息交换的优化措施进行了研究,,随后从制造型企业物流部门的角度出发以较大篇幅阐述了物流系统各组成要素包括原辅料供应商、客户、第三方物流供应商等以及供应链外相关组织例如政府机构、保险公司等的协同对物流成本的影响,提出了为改善物流成本支出而采取的一些具体措施和技巧,并借助K公司作为案例加以论证说明。 文章还简要说明了制造型企业物流成本管理中的注意事项,目的是提醒物流相关人员时刻保持与时俱进的思想来创新管理方式方法以便保持物流管理水平的先进性。
[Abstract]:With the further deepening of China's reform and opening up and economic globalization, market competition is increasingly intense, as the world's factory Chinese, many manufacturing enterprises, their sizes, different levels of management and profitability, but whether state-owned enterprises, private enterprises or wholly foreign-owned or joint ventures, in expanding sales to improve the profit of the method becomes more and more difficult to take place today, to find ways to reduce costs seems to be the only choice, but with the rapid development of Chinese and inflation also brought raw materials and labor cost growth, the overall decline in the cost of compressed space, therefore, occupies a large proportion of the cost of the logistics cost in combination the situation has become the focus of attention of many manufacturing enterprises.
Based on the relevant literature at home and abroad, briefly introduces the research status of domestic and foreign logistics development present situation, then introduces the concept of logistics cost, and logistics cost management methods and principles, the analysis of the importance and necessity of the logistics cost as a whole.
Modern logistics is called the labor natural resources, after the "third profit source", and to ensure implementation of this key source of profit is to reduce logistics costs by optimizing factors of manufacturing enterprises in the logistics system, is an effective method to reduce the cost of logistics enterprises. Therefore the logistics system including warehousing, transportation, the optimization measures of information exchange are studied, then starting from the Logistics Department of manufacturing enterprises, with a larger space angle expounds the elements of logistics system including raw materials suppliers, customers, suppliers and other relevant organizations of third party logistics and supply chain such as government agencies, insurance companies and other cooperative effects of the logistics cost, put forward some specific measures and techniques taken to improve logistics costs, and with the help of K company as the case to analyze.
The article also briefly introduces the matters needing attention in the logistics cost management of manufacturing enterprises. The purpose is to remind logistics related personnel to keep pace with the times and innovate management methods, so as to maintain the advanced level of logistics management.



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