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发布时间:2018-01-05 23:02

  本文关键词:引进境外战略投资者对中资银行绩效与创新能力的影响研究 出处:《广东外语外贸大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 中资银行 境外战略投资者 绩效改进 金融创新 核心竞争力

【摘要】:根据2001年加入WTO时的承诺,中国银行业在2006年底对外资银行全面开放,给予外资银行以完全的国民待遇。在这种严峻的形势下,中国银行业为了提高国际竞争力,建立现代商业银行体系,进行了一系列改革,其中最引人注目的就是产权制度改革,引进境外战略投资者,希望通过“引资”达到“引智”、“引制”的目的,提高中国银行业的经营绩效,,促使中国银行业的核心竞争力的提升。目前,中国银行业引入境外战略投资者已有一段时间,境外战略投资者入股中国银行业能改善经营绩效吗?提升了中资银行的核心竞争力吗?境外战略投资者自身哪些因素会对中资银行绩效产生影响?这些问题一直是理论界和实务界争论的焦点。本文将尝试对上述问题进行回答。 本文采用理论研究与实证研究、定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法,选取78家中资银行的2002年-2011年的相关数据,用实证方法研究境外战略投资者的引进对中资银行的盈利性、资产质量以及金融创新能力的影响。实证研究结果表明:1、引进境外战略投资者并没有改善中资银行的经营绩效;境外战略投资者持股比例与平均资产收益率没有获得显著的检验结果,回归系数不具备统计显著性,平均资产收益率受到宏观经济影响很大,而且国有控股银行的经营绩效总体上要差于资产规模小的银行。2、引进境外战略投资者也没有提高中资银行金融创新能力,目前中国银行业的利润来源主要还是利息收益。3、引进境外战略投资者提升了中资银行的风险管理水平,降低中资银行的不良贷款率,从而改善银行的资产质量。4、引进商业银行作为境外战略投资者,比引进国际组织和投资银行更有影响力;引进境外战略投资者的数目并不是越多越好,而且境外战略投资者在董事会的一席之地似乎更多地是名义的,而不是实际的优势,并不能对中资银行带来“正效应”。总的来说,引进境外战略投资者对中资银行的影响有限。针对研究结论,本文提出了如下建议:1、提高中资银行自身的金融创新与经营能力;2、减少政府的行政干预;3、完善信息披露机制,减少信息不对称和委托代理冲突;4、完善相关法律,培育良好的金融市场环境;5、渐进有序地促进银行业开放,促进良好地合作性竞争;6、完善对境外战略投资者的激励约束政策。
[Abstract]:According to the promise of China's entry into WTO in 2001, China's banking industry will be fully open to foreign banks in end of 2006, giving foreign banks full national treatment. In order to improve the international competitiveness and establish a modern commercial banking system, China's banking industry has carried out a series of reforms, the most striking of which is the reform of the property rights system and the introduction of foreign strategic investors. It is hoped that the purpose of "attracting wisdom" and "introducing system" through "attracting foreign investment" can improve the management performance of China's banking industry and promote the enhancement of the core competitiveness of the Chinese banking industry. China's banking industry has been introducing foreign strategic investors for some time. Can foreign strategic investors invest in China's banking sector to improve their business performance? Has it enhanced the core competitiveness of Chinese banks? What factors will affect the performance of Chinese banks by foreign strategic investors themselves? These questions have always been the focus of debate in theoretical and practical circles. This paper will try to answer the above questions. This paper uses theoretical and empirical research, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis of the method, selected 78 Chinese banks from 2002 to 2011 related data. Using empirical method to study the influence of the introduction of foreign strategic investors on the profitability, asset quality and financial innovation ability of Chinese banks. The introduction of foreign strategic investors has not improved the operating performance of Chinese banks; The proportion of foreign strategic investors holding shares and the average return on assets have no significant test results, the regression coefficient is not statistically significant, and the average return rate of assets is greatly affected by the macro economy. Moreover, the operating performance of state-owned holding banks is worse than that of banks with small assets on the whole, and the introduction of foreign strategic investors has not improved the financial innovation ability of Chinese banks. At present, the profit source of China's banking industry is mainly interest income. The introduction of foreign strategic investors has improved the risk management level of Chinese banks and reduced the non-performing loan ratio of Chinese banks. In order to improve the asset quality of banks, the introduction of commercial banks as foreign strategic investors is more influential than the introduction of international organizations and investment banks; The number of foreign strategic investors is not as large as possible, and the presence of foreign strategic investors on the board seems to be more nominal than actual advantage. It can not bring "positive effect" to Chinese banks. In general, the influence of introducing foreign strategic investors on Chinese banks is limited. In view of the research conclusions, this paper puts forward the following suggestions: 1. Improving the financial innovation and management ability of Chinese banks; (2) reducing the government's administrative intervention; (3) perfecting the mechanism of information disclosure and reducing information asymmetry and principal-agent conflict; (4) perfect the relevant laws and foster a good financial market environment; (5) gradually and orderly promoting the opening up of the banking industry and promoting good cooperative competition; 6. Improve incentive and restraint policies for foreign strategic investors.


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