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发布时间:2018-01-08 13:39

  本文关键词:光明乳业企业社会风险的内部控制研究 出处:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 光明乳业 企业社会风险 内部控制 制度设计

[Abstract]:Since 1980s, modern enterprises are facing a new kind of danger-"enterprise social risk". Enterprise social risk not only causes varying degrees of impairment to the business development and enterprise value. And to the normal operation of the entire economy and sustainable development bring incalculable harm. China's dairy industry contains huge corporate social risks. One of the industry giants, Guangming Dairy, was exposed to six product quality problems in the five months in 2012, which not only seriously damaged the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, but also affected the value and reputation of enterprises. Build a set of internal control system to prevent and manage the social risks of enterprises. It has important strategic significance for enterprises to realize the final vision and achieve the long-term goal. Firstly, this paper analyzes and collates the relevant theoretical research on corporate social risk and internal control of domestic and foreign scholars by using literature research method. This paper makes a clear definition of corporate social risk and analyzes its characteristics and categories, which provides a solid theoretical basis for the construction of internal control system of corporate social risk. Taking six "serial quality doors" of Guangming dairy industry as the core case background, this paper qualitatively analyzes the social risks faced by Guangming dairy industry and the deficiency of internal control system. Using the financial data analysis method to measure the enterprise social risk in the event period in order to provide a starting point for the subsequent system design. Finally, in order to solve the internal control of social risk in the enterprise deficiencies. This article refers to the ERM enterprise risk management framework from the internal environment, goal setting, event identification, risk assessment, risk response, control activities, information and communication. Monitoring the eight elements of the internal control system of corporate social risk has been specifically designed and integrated with the current internal control system of enterprises in China, hoping not only for the bright dairy industry. It also provides a practical reference template for all enterprises to guard against and manage corporate social risks.


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