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发布时间:2018-01-08 23:18

  本文关键词:基于运营流程的S公司营运资金管理体系构建 出处:《电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 有机农业 业务流程 营运资金管理

[Abstract]:The organic food industry in the rapid development of China market, more and more consumers are beginning to understand and accept the organic food. Under the guidance of relevant state policies, more and more enterprises begin to enter the emerging market.2014, S company as the first batch of Sichuan local organic food delivery business, good start performance in the Chengdu market. In order to further expand its market share, S gradually increase investment, but at the same time, she also faces the difficulty of working capital management, problems such as the low operating system feedback problems. This paper takes the S company in the business field of Chengdu city as the research object, starting from the working capital management perspective, analysis of current enterprise working capital management. Using expert scoring method, AHP method and weight design influence on operation factors of working capital management of the enterprises, in order to form a set of operating funds management Physical interaction between model system and operating system. This paper first introduces the current situation of the development history of organic food industry and S company, and the working capital management are described and analyzed. Based on the elucidation of S company facing the financial environment and the problem need to be solved. Secondly, according to these the problem, through the use of working capital management model based on business process, combined with AHP and expert scoring method to design the weights in the working capital management model in different service nodes, form the interaction model of operation system and working capital management system. Finally through the analysis of S company's actual operating data into the model through the analysis. The S company's working capital management, the working capital management system and operation system of the disjointed problem, makes the enterprise financial analysis cannot accurately Feedback to the adjustment of operational strategy. Then through the use of the business process to empower the working capital management system based on business process mode, establish the model of interaction between the working capital management system and operation system, through the quantitative weight form to achieve the organic combination of S company's working capital management and operation strategy of improving the working capital management performance, provides a new perspective for the research of working capital management based on business process.



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