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发布时间:2018-01-09 02:03

  本文关键词:胜利石油工程技术服务板块固定资产管理体系研究 出处:《中国石油大学(华东)》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 胜利石油工程技术服务板块 固定资产 管理体系

[Abstract]:With the development of management activities in Shengli petroleum engineering technology service sector and the improvement of people's understanding, the research on asset management has become an important subject in its management in recent years. Shengli petroleum engineering technical service plate has carried out many beneficial attempts and innovative practices in asset management, especially the completion of asset inventory work, and the basic understanding of the asset status of each secondary unit. However, due to the influence of planned economy for many years, the accounting and management of assets in petroleum engineering technical service plate still has weak benefit consciousness, fuzzy management function, idle assets, aging equipment, low management efficiency. Therefore, understand the status quo of fixed assets in petroleum engineering technical service plate, strengthen the management of fixed assets, ensure the operation quality of fixed assets. It is necessary to improve its efficiency. Firstly, this paper introduces the theory of asset management at home and abroad and the experience of enterprise asset management at home and abroad. Secondly, it introduces the classification and classification of petroleum engineering technology service plate assets. The features are introduced. And on this basis, the composition of the fixed assets of Shengli plate status quo, management status is analyzed. The problems and reasons in the process of fixed assets management are expounded. Furthermore, the design of fixed assets management system of petroleum engineering technical service plate is subdivided, and the framework of asset management system is given. The selection principle and index design of the system are analyzed. Finally, combined with the specific situation of the plate, the guarantee measures are put forward to strengthen the management of fixed assets.


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