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发布时间:2018-01-13 14:17

  本文关键词:内部控制质量与内幕交易相关性实证研究 出处:《南京理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 内幕交易 内部控制 相对换手率 信息不对称

[Abstract]:The existence of insider trading will seriously disturb the orderly operation of the securities market and damage the interests of investors. There is an urgent need to find a mechanism to suppress insider trading. With the increasing role of internal control in the field of corporate governance. The study of insider trading is more and more meaningful. The study of insider trading in this paper begins with the concept of generalized insider trading. This paper studies whether there exists the phenomenon of insider information trading in stock trading of insider information insiders of listed companies, and classifies insider information insiders into two categories: directors. Supervisors and senior managers as the first class insider information informants; Shareholders holding more than 5% shares as the second kind of insider information insider. The first kind of insider information insider insider trading research in 2008-2012 Shanghai A-share listed companies as the object. Insider trading of the second kind of insider information is aimed at the A-share listed companies in Shenzhen Stock Market from 2008 to 2012. This paper studies the existence of insider trading of two types of insider information insiders when they sell stocks by the methods of theoretical and empirical research. In this paper, the cumulative relative turnover rate is used as the proxy variable of the existence of insider trading. The empirical results show that the cumulative relative turnover rate is significantly different from zero. The results show that insider trading is common in the two types of insider information informants when they sell their shares. At the same time, the correlation between internal control quality and insider trading is tested by multiple regression analysis, and the results show that. The first kind of insider information insider trading and internal control quality significantly negative correlation. That is, the improvement of the quality of internal control can effectively suppress the insider trading behavior of the insider information insiders of the first type. The second type insider information insider trading is negatively correlated with internal control, but statistically not significant. It may be that under the mode of centralization of equity in China, large shareholders have a selective preference for internal control system, and can choose internal control which focuses on restricting senior executives and minimizing the impact on large shareholders. Finally. According to the research results, this paper puts forward some policy suggestions to restrain insider control from the angle of internal control construction and supervision department.


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