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发布时间:2018-01-15 13:33

  本文关键词:我国玻璃行业并购财务风险控制研究 出处:《对外经济贸易大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 并购 玻璃行业 财务风险控制

【摘要】:近年来,随着国内房地产行业的快速发展,带动玻璃行业产能过度增长。由于玻璃生产企业进入门槛较低,在利益的驱使下,大量资本投入兴建生产线,导致重复建设严重。玻璃生产行业又容易受到原材料、燃料价格及市场环境影响,受市场影响波动幅度大。由于平板玻璃行业70%以上的需求来自于房地产项目,而房地产行业发展前景的不确定性又必然影响对玻璃产品的需求。介于玻璃行业的特殊性,玻璃炉窑生产线无法对其产能进行有效调控,加上停产成本过高,企业为了维持其市场份额,必然导致行业内竞相压价,进行恶性竞争。结果是供需矛盾进一步加剧,玻璃的重箱售价甚至低于生产成本,整个行业的盈利状况持续恶化,成为典型的产能过剩行业。 在这种背景下,玻璃企业间的并购重组就不失为一种有效的选择,在恶性竞争中出现的企业发展不平衡也为并购创造了条件。只有对行业内资源进行重新整合,才能从根本上解决资金、燃料、原料及恶性竞争的问题,提升整个行业的利润率及市场竞争能力。工信部于2013年出台了一系列政策,明确指示要求加快推进玻璃行业的并购重组与产业整合,计划于2015年以前,,淘汰平板玻璃落后产能2000万重量箱。 对玻璃行业而言,并购是在不涉及增量,不影响各地区产能及的分布格局和均衡的情况下进行。与投资新建生产线相比,有利于维护其原有地区市场的稳定性,降低了恶性竞争的可能。并购后,被收购的目标企业通过引入新的管理机制,也可以达到债务负担的目的,从根本上解决企业发展的资金问题,实现轻装上阵。另外通过并购,使得企业发展规模与产品质量得到同步提升,促进玻璃行业的产业结构调整和升级。业内优势企业已经开始着手通过收购行为以实现其战略目标。就并购主体来讲,优势企业在积极谋求低成本的扩张战略,而弱小企业迫于竞争压力和维持其发展也愿意被兼并重组,由此可见我国玻璃行业重组整合顺应时代的发展。 然而,企业并购是一个复杂的资本运作过程,其中蕴藏着大量的财务风险。据有关资料统计,世界范围内大公司的并购交易活动,70%都以失败告终。并购过程当中的风险涉及一系列的风险,比如财务风险、法律风险、道德风险、市场风险等等。由于财务风险贯穿并购活动的始终,能否合理控制财务风险成为决定并购成败的关键因素。因此本文着重对并购财务风险的评价及控制进行研究,并结合玻璃行业的数据及特征进行分析,希望本文的研究能够为该行业重组并购提供一定有益借鉴。
[Abstract]:In recent years , with the rapid development of the domestic real estate industry , the productivity of the glass industry has been increased excessively . Due to the low entry threshold of the glass production enterprises , a large amount of capital is put into the construction production line under the driving of the benefit . The uncertainty of the development prospect of the real estate industry will inevitably affect the demand of the glass product . The result is that the contradiction of supply and demand is further aggravated , and the price of the glass is even lower than the production cost , and the profitability of the whole industry continues to deteriorate , and becomes a typical excess capacity industry . In this context , the merger and reorganization between the glass enterprises is an effective option , and the imbalance of the enterprise development in the vicious competition creates conditions for the M & A . Only by reintegrating the resources in the industry can we fundamentally solve the problems of funds , fuels , raw materials and vicious competition , and improve the profit margin and the market competitiveness of the whole industry . In the case of the glass industry , the acquisition is carried out under the condition that the increment is not involved , the distribution pattern and the equilibrium of each region are not affected . Compared with the investment new production line , it is beneficial to maintain the stability of the original regional market and reduce the possibility of a vicious competition . However , the acquisition of M & A is a complicated capital operation process , which contains a great deal of financial risk . According to the data statistics , 70 % of the activities of M & A transactions in the world range with failure . The risk involved in the process of M & A involves a series of risks , such as financial risk , legal risk , moral hazard , market risk , etc . As a result , this paper focuses on the evaluation and control of M & A financial risk , and analyzes the data and features of the glass industry . It is hoped that the research in this paper will provide some useful reference for the restructuring of the M & A .



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