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发布时间:2018-01-15 14:34

  本文关键词:沈阳焦煤企业集团资金集中管理方案与控制研究 出处:《东北大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 资金集约 企业集团 筹资 投资 经营

[Abstract]:Capital management of enterprises is the core content of financial management. Since the reform and opening up, many state-owned enterprise groups have adopted decentralized management in order to stimulate the enthusiasm of the production and operation of subordinate companies. Therefore, its capital management mode also adopts the decentralized mode accordingly. After adopting the decentralized fund management, the Shenyang Coking Coal Group has appeared the operating efficiency is low, the group internal scrambles for the resources, the procurement cost is on the high side. It is very necessary to analyze the existing fund management model, to find out the problems, and to design a new centralized fund management scheme, I. e., intensive fund management, which includes not only the concentration of funds, but also the decline of sales performance. This paper first analyzes the present situation of coal enterprises and the significance of capital management for coal enterprises. This paper illustrates the practical significance of this paper. Secondly, it expounds the concept and content of intensive management of enterprise group funds. Intensive management of funds refers to the use of modern management methods and science and technology, strengthen division of labor, cooperation, and improve funds. As the name implies, its main emphasis is on the following two points: one is "set", the other is "about". "set" refers to the choice of the enterprise group's own centralized capital management mode. The idle funds in the various units of the group will be pooled to make use of; "contract" refers to the concept of saving the group's internal resources throughout the operation and management, through a series of capital control means, strive to use a reasonable way. Then designed a set of organizational structure, bank account management, the use of specific overall budget management, investment activities, fund-raising activities for the Shenyang Coking Coal Group. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the intensive fund management scheme, the omni-directional fund intensive control management scheme of business activities is changed from the extensive fund management mode to the intensive fund management mode. Also from the internal environment, rules and regulations, personnel aspects of some safeguards.


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