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发布时间:2018-01-20 01:34

  本文关键词: 融资 中小企业 信用体系 财务管理 出处:《华南理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:中小企业融资难是一个严峻的事实。该问题产生的原因在中小企业自身在经营过程中所带来的不利的内部环境及融资过程中多种外部环境共同作用的结果。中小企业融资困难的主要内部因素有企业体制、经营管理状况、财务状况、自身信用状况等。这些不足使其无法满足现阶段我国企业在资本市场上融资必须达到的硬件条件,因而难以得到企业发展所需要的资金。 根据调查,中小企业普遍规模相对较小、实力较弱、产品结构不太合理、管理水平低下、设备落后、技术创新能力低、短期行为严重、普遍寿命短、经营缺乏长期稳定性;另一方面,大多数中小企业财务报表随意性大,真实性让人怀疑,透明度不高,,银行等金融机构难以掌握企业资信状况和还款能力的真实性,不敢轻易放款,贷款条件也相当严格。事实上,中小企业融资难题还需企业自身注重信用建设。本研究聚焦于如何通过企业内部信用体系建设使企业在资本市场占据主动。 本文研究的背景立足于STZ公司信用体系建设。文中介绍STZ公司信用建设对公司自身的作用,以及这一些列作用的分析和总结,对我国中小企业在可持续发展过程中遇到的融资困难给予一定的启示作用和借鉴。在整个研究中,笔者采用理论研究与具体实践相结合的方式进行分析,通过对公司的调查研究、分析考察得到STZ公司的各种相关数据、理论资料,采用统计法、比较法、归纳法、演绎法等多种研究方法,对STZ公司的信用体系建设在融资过程中起到的作用、遇到的问题行综合分析;同时,对促进中小企业债券融资方式多样化,对资本市场的基础建设具有一定意义。
[Abstract]:SME financing is a grim fact. A variety of external environmental factors the causes of the problem in small and medium-sized enterprises in the operation process of the adverse internal environment and in the process of financing. The main internal factors of financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises with the enterprise system, management status, financial status, credit the condition and so on. These problems make it unable to meet the present stage our country enterprise in the capital market financing must meet the hardware conditions, so it is difficult to get the necessary funds for the development of enterprises.
According to the survey, small and medium sized enterprises is relatively small, the strength is weak, the product structure is not reasonable, low management level, poor equipment, low technological innovation capability, short-term behavior is serious, generally short life, the operation is lack of long-term stability; on the other hand, the financial statements of the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises at random, authenticity questionable, transparency is not high, the authenticity of the banks and other financial institutions to grasp the enterprise credit status and repayment ability, dare to loan, loan conditions are quite strict. In fact, the financing problem of small and medium-sized enterprises still need to focus on Enterprise credit construction. This study focused on how to through the construction of enterprise credit system to enable enterprises to take the initiative in the capital market.
The background of this paper is based on the STZ construction of the company credit system. The effect of STZ on the company's own credit construction company in the paper, and this series of function analysis and summary, give some enlightenment and reference to the financing difficulties of SMEs in China encountered in the process of sustainable development. In the study, analysis the author combines the theory with practice, through the investigation and Study on the company's investigation and analysis, obtained the relevant data, STZ's information theory, using statistical method, comparative method, inductive method, deductive method and other research methods, the construction of credit system of STZ company in the process of financing effect of comprehensive analysis of problems encountered; at the same time, to promote the bond financing of small and medium-sized enterprises diversification, has certain significance of the development of capital market.



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