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发布时间:2018-01-20 02:38

  本文关键词: B集团 财务共享中心 现金管理 现金管理优化 出处:《东北大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the China comprehensive national strength and economic growth, more and more international group began to pay attention and cash to invest in China, international competitiveness Chinese enterprises have become increasingly prominent, the Financial Sharing Center also began in China market rapid growth and development. The enterprises have begun to have invested in the construction of Financial Sharing Center. In this paper, the background of the times based on the introduction of financial center by sharing mode, and select the cash management is very important for the enterprise operation as the starting point, to multinational enterprises B group as a case, the current situation of the cash management and the existing problems of in-depth research and analysis, and try to give the corresponding optimization suggestion. Before the B Group officials decided to implement the group, service integration, sharing the total strategy, so the implementation of financial center sharing mode is necessary. For the B group In terms of cash management, because of the newly implemented financial center sharing model has effects on from many aspects, the original cash management mode is difficult to adapt to the new financial management model implementation, so have many problems to be solved. In the implementation of a few years of Financial Sharing Center mode, the B group failed to keep pace with the enterprise financial cash management sharing the pace, mainly produce cash management idea is not clear, the cash management is not in-depth business links, cash budget management is still weak and the financial early-warning index system is not perfect the four questions. For the case of B group, the author suggests that group executives can combine the financial sharing of cash management to optimize the degree the characteristics of the service center mode and the functions of sharing, internal control mainly from the strategic level, angle, angle and angle to improve the link budget adjustments made in this paper. The main focus is, according to the characteristics of the mode of Financial Sharing Center, from the angle of the B part to improve the group's cash management are analyzed and optimized, not carried on optimization plan for other perspectives, hoping to make a contribution in cash management of B group from the angle of improving link.



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