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发布时间:2018-01-20 13:03

  本文关键词: 企业价值 价值评估 企业价值影响因素 层次分析法 评估指标体系 出处:《长安大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着市场经济的不断发展,探寻企业价值真正的内涵所在已经成为学术界一个重要的研究问题。资产评估服务行业的不断发展更加促进了经济学家、企业管理者、评估人员及其他领域的学者、专家对企业价值相关问题的研究。结合我国国情,通过对国外先进评估技术的学习,学者们提出了很多评估企业价值的思路和方法,并在实践操作中得以应用。对企业价值影响因素由单一的财务指标发展到与非财务指标的综合考量、定量指标与定性指标的结合研究,更加全面、科学、完整的研究企业价值。使得我国对企业价值的研究空间和范围不断扩大,企业价值评估研究越来越丰富、全面,在实践操作方面评估值越来越准确。 现有的企业价值评估方法在研究企业价值影响因素时主要是从企业财务报表提供的数据来分析企业的价值,而忽略了未能在企业财务报表上体现的人力资本、企业管理水平、行业政策、企业商誉等对企业价值的影响程度。从企业未来发展的角度看,非财务指标更能反映企业真实价值所在。随着以智力资本和技术为企业资产的新型企业的发展,传统的评估方法越来越表现出其不适用性。 本文以企业价值的概念和特点为出发点,分析了企业价值的影响因素以及现有的企业价值评估方法存在的不足之处,在收益法的基础上将平衡计分卡的指标设计模式、国有资本金绩效评价规则中的工商类竞争性企业效绩评价指标体系的设计模式以及层次分析法的设计模式引入到企业价值评估中,,构建一套具有广泛适用性的企业价值评估指标体系。在指标设置时采取定量指标和定性指标相结合的方式,并通过问卷调查对指标进行修正、打分,运用Matlab数学软件对指标进行分析、赋权重,最终得出被评估企业的价值得分,通过与可比企业价值对比,求得被评估企业的价值。在所建立的评估指标体系下,采用案例对所构建的企业价值评估指标体系进行科学性和实用性验证。
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of market economy, exploring the true connotation of enterprise value has become an important research issue in academia. The constant development of asset appraisal service industry has promoted economists. Enterprise managers, evaluators and other scholars, experts on enterprise value related issues. Combined with the situation of our country, through the study of foreign advanced evaluation technology. Scholars have put forward a lot of ideas and methods to evaluate the value of enterprises, and have been applied in practice. The influence factors of enterprise value have developed from a single financial index to a comprehensive consideration of non-financial indicators. The combination of quantitative index and qualitative index makes the research of enterprise value more comprehensive, scientific and complete, which makes the research space and scope of enterprise value expand continuously, and the research of enterprise value evaluation becomes more and more abundant. Overall, in the practical aspects of evaluation values are more and more accurate. The existing methods of enterprise value evaluation mainly analyze the enterprise value from the data provided by the enterprise financial statements, while ignoring the human capital that can not be reflected on the enterprise financial statements. The level of enterprise management, industry policy, corporate goodwill and other impact on the value of enterprises. From the perspective of the future development of enterprises. With the development of new enterprises with intellectual capital and technology as their assets, the traditional evaluation methods are more and more inapplicable. Based on the concept and characteristics of enterprise value, this paper analyzes the influencing factors of enterprise value and the shortcomings of existing methods of enterprise value evaluation. On the basis of income method, the index design mode of balanced scorecard is put forward. The design model of performance evaluation index system of industrial and commercial competitive enterprises in the performance evaluation rules of state-owned capital and the design mode of analytic hierarchy process are introduced into the evaluation of enterprise value. Set up a set of enterprise value evaluation index system with wide applicability. When the index is set, adopt the combination of quantitative index and qualitative index, and through the questionnaire survey to revise the index, score. Using the Matlab mathematical software to analyze the index, assign weight, and finally get the value score of the evaluated enterprise, and compare with the comparable enterprise value. Under the established evaluation index system, a case study is used to verify the scientificity and practicability of the enterprise value evaluation index system.


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