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发布时间:2018-01-20 18:50

  本文关键词: 商业银行 金融服务多样化 非利息收入 效益测算 出处:《东北农业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The business income of commercial banks is composed of interest income and non-interest income. For a long time, the business of commercial banks in China is mainly deposit and loan business. In recent years, with the deepening of China's banking sector reform and the intensification of market competition, the bank income is mainly dependent on interest income, and the non-interest income has been subjected to the phenomenon of "disintermediation". With the influence of marketization of interest rate, Chinese commercial banks gradually realize the importance of adjusting the income structure, actively develop non-traditional business and increase the source of income. From the original reliance on interest income to the vigorous development of non-interest income, financial services are increasingly diversified. There are more studies on non-interest income in China, but for the diversification of financial services and the benefits of financial services diversification. Therefore, based on the relevant theories, this paper analyzes the current situation and influencing factors of the diversification of financial services in China, and measures and calculates the degree of diversification of financial services and the income it produces. According to the results of empirical analysis, to further promote the diversification of financial services. The main content of this paper includes the following aspects: first, the introduction of what is the diversification of financial services and the reasons for it. And the diversification of financial services including what business, these business characteristics, and the introduction of the diversification of financial services related theory, for our research provides a theoretical basis. Secondly. This paper introduces the development process of the diversification of financial services of commercial banks in China, evaluates the present situation of diversification of financial services from three aspects: total scale, product composition and market share, and constructs a model. From the macro and micro perspective to analyze the factors affecting the diversification of financial services. Third. Empirical study on the benefits of diversification of financial services. 11 sample banks in China from 2003 to 2013 related data, using non-interest income to construct income diversification indicators. Using this index to measure the degree of diversification of banking financial services, a panel data model is established to analyze, the results show that the return on bank assets and income diversification indicators are positively correlated. It shows that the diversification of financial services can bring more benefits to banks. To be specific, if the degree of diversification of financial services increases by 1, the return on assets of commercial banks will be increased by 0.0035; Further analysis found that different banks through the diversification of financial services have some differences in the basis of benefits. Combined with the results of the calculation and banking status. Suggestions on how to further promote the diversification of financial services in China's commercial banks are put forward for reference. Finally, the conclusions of the study are summarized.


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