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发布时间:2018-01-22 12:38

  本文关键词: 企业价值 企业价值增长 企业价值增长的可持续性 现金流量折现法 EVA法 可持续增长率 出处:《西安石油大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文对企业价值增长的可持续性这一理论进行了相关论述和计算。目的不仅是为了让读者了解企业价值及其可持续性仍有待于进一步地深入和跟进,还要让读者知道如何通过模型对企业价值的可持续性进行测算。 本文主要由四部分构成,分别是导论、理论综述、计量研究和结论。 导论部分对本文的研究现状、研究背景和研究内容进行了简要介绍。 在理论综述部分,对企业价值及其增长的可持续性的概念和计量方法进行了概括总结。企业价值及其增长的可持续性计量方法中的现金流量折现法、经济增加值法、实物期权法和其他一些方法(剩余收益法、经济利润法和托宾Q法)均是时下计算企业价值的常用方法。 在计量研究中,本文以C公司为计量对象,,运用经济增加值法、市场增加值法和可持续增长模型对C公司企业价值及其增长的可持续性进行了计量。通过对经济增加值模型和市场增加值模型计算结果的对比,分析出了两个模型之间的内在联系,并结合C公司的情况进行了相关论述;通过对可持续增长模型计算结果的分析,了解到C公司企业价值及其增长的可持续性还存在不足。 最后,通过对计算数据的汇总,得出了C公司可持续发展状况仍有待改善的结论。
[Abstract]:This paper discusses and calculates the theory of the sustainability of enterprise value growth. The purpose is not only to let readers understand the enterprise value and its sustainability, but also to go further and follow up. Let the reader know how to measure the sustainability of enterprise value through the model. This paper consists of four parts: introduction, theoretical review, econometric research and conclusion. The introduction part briefly introduces the research status, research background and research content of this paper. In the theoretical review part, the concept and measurement methods of the sustainability of enterprise value and its growth are summarized. The discounted cash flow method in the sustainable measurement method of enterprise value and its growth is discussed. Economic value added method, real option method and some other methods (surplus income method, economic profit method and Tobin Q method) are commonly used to calculate the enterprise value. In the measurement research, this article takes C company as the measurement object, uses the economic added value method. The market value added method and the sustainable growth model are used to measure the enterprise value and the sustainability of the growth of C Company. The comparison between the economic value added model and the market value added model is carried out. The internal relationship between the two models is analyzed, and related discussions are made in combination with the situation of C Company. Through the analysis of the calculation results of the sustainable growth model, it is found that there are still shortcomings in the enterprise value and the sustainability of the growth of C Company. Finally, through the summary of the calculation data, we draw the conclusion that the sustainable development situation of company C still needs to be improved.


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