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发布时间:2018-01-22 12:51

  本文关键词: 上市商业银行 资本结构 融资效率 出处:《山东农业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:商业银行是经营货币这种特殊商品的企业,并且商业银行的这种经营活动是以社会信用为原则而开展的。于是,资本就成了商业银行经营的基础。作为衡量资本状况之一的资本构成具有重要的作用,决定着商业银行应对财务和经营风险的能力,进一步影响到商业银行的整体价值。 因此,研究上市商业银行资金融通及其效率对于提高商业银行融资决策的科学性、优化商业银行资本结构、进而提高商业银行的综合竞争力及维持国内金融秩序稳定等具有重要的理论和现实意义。 本文依据经济学、金融学相关理论,在对国内外现有研究成果梳理、归纳概括的基础上,首先对我国上市商业银行融资现状进行了描述性统计分析,其次,较为系统的分析了我国上市商业银行融资影响因素,最后,运用规范研究和实证研究相结合的研究方法考察了2008年—2012年我国16家上市商业银行资本规模及其构成变化情况,采用DEA模型分析了近5年我国上市商业银行融资效率,并为提高银行融资效率提出了建议。 通过实证研究,文章得出了以下结论:虽然影响商业银行融资效率的因素多种多样,但其所处的经济环境对其作用最大。当经济衰退时,银行在此时不应盲目地追求规模扩张,,而是应在原有的基础上保持资产质量,提高资本利用效率,以此来获得较好的融资效率。当经济由衰退步入复苏时,银行可以顺应形势扩充资本,以获得较高的融资技术效率,但由于资本的补充与资产的构建存在时间差,此时的融资规模效率通常不高。总体而言,我国上市商业银行的融资效率整体较高。根据以上结论,文章围绕通过如何增强资产质量来提高融资效率,给出了五点建议。
[Abstract]:The commercial bank is the enterprise which manages the currency this kind of special commodity, and the commercial bank's this kind of management activity is develops with the social credit as the principle. Capital is the basis of commercial bank operation. As one of the capital conditions, capital composition plays an important role in determining the ability of commercial banks to deal with financial and operational risks. Further affect the overall value of commercial banks. Therefore, the study of listed commercial banks financing and its efficiency to improve the scientific nature of commercial bank financing decisions, optimize the capital structure of commercial banks. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to improve the comprehensive competitiveness of commercial banks and maintain the stability of domestic financial order. Based on the relevant theories of economics and finance, this paper summarizes and summarizes the existing research results at home and abroad, first of all, it makes a descriptive statistical analysis on the financing status of listed commercial banks in China, and secondly. More systematic analysis of China's listed commercial banks financing factors, finally. The capital size and composition of 16 listed commercial banks in China from 2008 to 2012 were investigated by means of normative and empirical research. This paper analyzes the financing efficiency of China's listed commercial banks in recent five years by using DEA model, and puts forward some suggestions for improving the efficiency of bank financing. Through the empirical research, the paper draws the following conclusions: although the factors affecting the financing efficiency of commercial banks are various, the economic environment in which it is located has the greatest effect on it, when the economy is in recession. At this time, banks should not blindly pursue scale expansion, but should maintain the quality of assets and improve the efficiency of capital utilization on the basis of the original, so as to obtain better financing efficiency, when the economy from recession to recovery. Banks can adapt to the situation to expand capital in order to obtain higher financing technical efficiency, but due to the time lag between capital replenishment and asset construction, the financing scale efficiency is usually not high. The financing efficiency of listed commercial banks in China is relatively high. According to the above conclusions, the paper gives five suggestions on how to improve the financing efficiency by enhancing the quality of assets.


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