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发布时间:2018-01-30 05:07

  本文关键词: LD公司 电源行业 投资价值 出处:《郑州大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:电能是目前最优质的广泛应用的能源,而电源设备就是实现电能转换,给电子设备提供满足其所需的电能的重要装备。电源是所有电子产品中最不可缺少的一环,有着巨大的发展空间。而在这其中,UPS电源在通信,电力,金融等行业得到了广泛的应用,我国正处在高速发展工业化,快速建设信息化的时期,潜在的对UPS的巨大需求促使生产厂家在节能,环保,更高效等方面进行更深入的技术改造,持续推出新产品,来满足众多行业的需求,LD公司是国内UPS行业中技术实力较强,规模相对较大,具有一定影响力的企业,LD公司一直坚持技术革新,并通过自身的努力不断地将科研成果转化成产品优势。通过不断地提升成产技术,开发新的产品应用领域,已经奠定了在市场上的优势地位,经过多年的发展,已经建立了非常完美的营销和服务网络,积累了丰富的开发,设计,生产和销售服务的经验,LD已成为行业著名品牌,国家驰名商标。因此对LD公司投资价值的分析,可以促进资金供需双方的双赢,实现共同发展。本文选择LD公司作为分析目标,运用自上而下的方法,分别从宏观经济,行业发展和公司三个层次开展分析,最后对LD公司作出一个合理估值,为广大的潜在投资者的投资决策提供帮助。 本文研究认为: 中国2014-2018年经济将继续处于稳定发展阶段,GDP的年增长率将继续保持在7%左右。中国电源行业在将来的3-4年内因为自己所处的行业特征,将受到宏观经济较大的影响而不能快速的发展,随着宏观经济的整体复苏,有很大的可能性达到快速的发展。长期而言,LD公司将保持较长时间的稳定增长,预计2014年-2018年大概可以保持每年20%的营业收入增长率。通过估值分析,笔者认为LD公司的合理估值为138946.8万元。结合全文的分析和以及对未来的预判,具有一定的投资价值,值得投资。
[Abstract]:Electric energy is the most high quality widely used energy, and the power supply equipment is to achieve power conversion. Power supply is the most indispensable part of all electronic products, and there is a huge space for development. Among them, UPS power supply is in communication and power. Finance and other industries have been widely used. Our country is in the period of high-speed industrialization and rapid construction of information. The potential huge demand for UPS promotes the manufacturers to save energy and protect the environment. More efficient and other aspects of more in-depth technical transformation, continuous introduction of new products to meet the needs of many industries, the LD company is the domestic UPS industry technical strength is relatively large. The company with certain influence has always insisted on technological innovation, and through its own efforts to continuously transform scientific research results into product advantages, through continuous upgrading into production technology. The development of new product applications has established a dominant position in the market, after years of development, has established a very perfect marketing and service network, accumulated rich development, design. The experience of producing and selling service has become a famous brand and national famous trademark. Therefore, the analysis of the investment value of LD company can promote the win-win situation between supply and demand. To achieve common development. This paper chooses LD company as the analysis goal, using top-down method, from the macro economy, industry development and company three levels to carry out the analysis. Finally, a reasonable valuation of LD Company is made to help the investment decision of the vast number of potential investors. This paper considers that: China's economy will continue to be in a stable stage of development in 2014-2018. The annual growth rate of GDP will continue to be around 7%. China's power supply industry will not be able to develop rapidly in the next 3-4 years because of its own characteristics of the industry, which will be greatly affected by the macro economy. With the overall recovery of the macroeconomic, there is a great possibility of rapid development. In the long run, LD will maintain stable growth for a long time. It is expected to maintain an annual revenue growth rate of 20% per year from 2014 to 2018. The author thinks that the reasonable valuation of LD Company is one billion three hundred and eighty-nine million four hundred and sixty-eight thousand yuan. Combined with the analysis of the full text and the prediction of the future, it has certain investment value and is worthy of investment.


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