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发布时间:2018-04-10 13:48

  本文选题:农业科技创新 + 风险投资 ; 参考:《湖南农业大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In order to clarify the existing problems and constraints of venture capital in agricultural science and technology in Guangdong province , and put forward corresponding countermeasures , based on the concept definition and theoretical analysis , this paper analyzes the methods of literature research , investigation and analysis and interviews . The results are as follows : According to the investigation , there are 72 venture capital institutions in Guangdong province as of 2013 , accounting for 12.5 % .
In 2006 - 2013 , the agricultural sector in China has disclosed the venture capital case 337 , disclosed the investment amount of USD 4.87 billion , accounting for only 2.1 % of the venture capital . From the investigation result , the agricultural science and technology innovation venture capital development is relatively slow , because there are many difficulties , the venture capital lacks the exit mechanism , the investment agriculture field risk is high , the agricultural science and technology venture capital amount is huge , etc . Through the in - depth analysis , the agricultural science and technology innovation venture capital has the problem of the countermeasure : strengthen the agricultural enterprise internal management , strengthen the intermediary institution construction , invest the venture capital talent , strengthen the policy support , perfect the law policy , establish the effective exit channel , expand the venture capital financing channel .



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