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发布时间:2018-04-13 03:40

  本文选题:赊销 + 风险 ; 参考:《云南师范大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Credit sale is a common way of business transactions.At present, credit sales has become one of the important means for enterprises to stabilize product sales channels, expand product sales scale, increase product market share and increase enterprise sales income.In our country, due to the lack of credit concept and the lack of a unified social credit system, the social credit situation is not good, resulting in enterprises defaulting on each other's loans, and even maliciously evading financial debts.A large number of bad debts, bad debts, resulting in unsustainable enterprises.Therefore, it is necessary to study credit risk, develop credit risk identification and strengthen credit risk control.In this paper, MM Chemical Company, a large state-owned enterprise, is taken as the research object. Firstly, the background of credit sales, the extensive credit management model and the result of bad debts caused by credit sales are described and analyzed.In view of the problems existing in the credit selling activities, five concrete suggestions are put forward to avoid the risk of credit sales through strengthening the management.The innovation of this paper is to effectively identify the risk points existing in credit sales activities by combining practical experience, and by establishing a credit risk warning mechanism, perfecting customer credit system, implementing dynamic closed-loop management of credit sales, and perfecting the system of liability checks and balances.In order to enhance the management ability and level of credit sales, it is of great significance for similar enterprises to strengthen credit management.


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