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发布时间:2018-04-19 22:25

  本文选题:招商银行 + 管理国际化 ; 参考:《哈尔滨商业大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:招商银行于1987年4月8日成立,总部设在深圳,作为我国第一家完全由企业法人持股的股份制商业银行,招商银行历经26年的发展,已从当初偏居深圳蛇口一隅的区域性小银行,发展至如今具有一定规模与实力的全国性商业银行,初步形成了辐射全国、面向海外的机构体系和业务网络,更被广大客户和社会公众誉为国内创新能力强、服务态度好、技术实力雄厚的口碑银行。 企业管理理论和实践表明,在企业发展过程中,管理始终是主要矛盾,如果管理不能及时跟上发展的步伐,就可能使发展倒退甚至出现败局。在快速发展过程中,招商银行始终高度重视并不断提升管理能力和管理水平,尤其是在其财务管理方面,招商银行给予了高度重视,提出了“管理国际化”的战略目标。管理国际化战略的推进,其中至关重要的一环就是财务管理的国际化。财务管理国际化是以成熟的管理理念、完善的管理体制、先进的管理技术为支撑的,要提高财务管理的国际化水平,必须高起点的引进与应用国际先进银行的现代管理技术,建立与管理国际化要求相适应的财务管理系统。2003年,招商银行引进并实施了SAP系统(包括财务管理和人力资源),SAP财务管理系统的全面启用是招商银行财务管理信息化建设的重要里程碑,是推进财务管理工作面向国际化、科学化、战略化的重要举措。 文章以招商银行财务管理领域的ERP项目(SAP财务管理系统)为案例,剖析了招商银行引入SAP财务管理系统的原因以及建设目标,结合招商银行实际应用情况,通过对其财务管理系统实施框架、具体财务管理模块的设置、组织与实施全过程的分析与研究,指出招商银行是如何一步步成功实施SAP财务管理系统的,并通过对招商银行实施SAP财务管理系统前后财务管理水平的对比,指出SAP财务管理系统为招商银行财务管理领域带来的深刻变革,通过实施先进的财务管理系统,能够帮助财务部门实现转型,提升战略决策管理能力,将工作重心移向财务管理深层次问题,最终提升财务管理的价值和水平,对于推动财务管理改革与发展,增强企业财务管理能力都具有深远的影响。文章最后分析和探讨了招商银行SAP财务管理系统运行中尚存在的不足之处,并总结了招商银行实施SAP财务管理系统的相关经验,对当今处于财务管理转型阶段的企业如何实施SAP财务管理系统提供了一些可供借鉴的思路和方法。
[Abstract]:China Merchants Bank (CMB) was established on April 8, 1987, with its headquarters in Shenzhen. As the first joint-stock commercial bank wholly owned by a legal person in China, CMB has undergone 26 years of development. From the small regional banks in Shekou, Shenzhen, to the national commercial banks with a certain scale and strength, they have initially formed an institutional system and a business network that radiate the whole country and face overseas. Also praised by customers and the public as a strong domestic innovation, good service attitude, strong technical strength of word-of-mouth banks. The theory and practice of enterprise management show that in the process of enterprise development, management is always the main contradiction, if management can not keep up with the pace of development in time, it may cause retrogression or even failure of development. In the process of rapid development, China Merchants Bank has always attached great importance to the management ability and management level, especially in its financial management, China Merchants Bank has attached great importance to it and put forward the strategic goal of "management internationalization". The promotion of management internationalization strategy, one of the most important is the internationalization of financial management. The internationalization of financial management is supported by mature management concept, perfect management system and advanced management technology. In order to improve the internationalization level of financial management, it is necessary to introduce and apply modern management technology of international advanced banks from a high starting point. Establishment of a financial management system commensurate with the requirements of management internationalization. 2003, The introduction and implementation of SAP system (including financial management and human resources) by China Merchants Bank is an important milestone in the informatization construction of China Merchants Bank's financial management. The important action of strategy. Taking the ERP project in China Merchants Bank's financial management field as an example, this paper analyzes the reasons for the introduction of SAP financial management system by China Merchants Bank and its construction objectives, combined with the actual application of China Merchants Bank. Through the analysis and research on the implementation framework of its financial management system, the setting of specific financial management modules, the organization and implementation of the whole process, the paper points out how China Merchants Bank successfully implemented the SAP financial management system step by step. By comparing the level of financial management of China Merchants Bank before and after the implementation of the SAP financial management system, this paper points out that the SAP financial management system brings profound changes to the financial management field of China Merchants Bank, and through the implementation of the advanced financial management system, It can help the financial department to realize the transformation, enhance the ability of strategic decision management, shift the focus of work to the deep level of the financial management, and finally enhance the value and level of the financial management, which will promote the reform and development of the financial management. Enhance enterprise financial management ability has far-reaching influence. Finally, the paper analyzes and discusses the shortcomings of SAP financial management system of China Merchants Bank, and summarizes the relevant experience of SAP financial management system in China Merchants Bank. This paper provides some ideas and methods for enterprises in the transition stage of financial management to implement SAP financial management system.


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