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发布时间:2018-04-19 22:28

  本文选题:云南省 + 高校 ; 参考:《云南师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:教育信息化正逐步引导着云南省高校的发展,而高校财务信息化正是管理信息化的关键所在。随着高校办学规模的不断扩大、多校区互联的实现,高校财务工作也转向多样化、复杂化,高校财务管理工作正面临着前所未有的挑战。因此,高校财务信息化工作的合理、合规、完善,是云南高校实现教育信息化的关键所在。 “中国数字教育2020行动计划”中已经明确指出,必须大力推动学校管理信息系统建设与应用,实现系统整合与数据共享。云南作为面向西南开放的重要桥头堡,云南高校应起到带头作用,充分利用跨国交流的机会,扩大与周边国家的合作。财务信息化作为高校管理信息系统的关键,通过对其有效的管理,合理有序的推进高校发展,实现科学、高效的信息化管理工作,可以对全国的高校财务信息化建设及高校信息系统建设起到一定的示范作用和参考价值。 本文通过研究高校财务信息化的发展历程,并针对云南高校的财务信息化发展现状进行实证调查,分析问卷、提出问题,进而得出如何促进云南省高校财务信息建设的对策。在论文的准备阶段,运用文献研究法,充分利用各项资料,对相关著作、期刊进行收集、查阅、整理、分析,从而对高校信息化、财务信息化高校财务管理形成了相对科学的认识。在论文的论证阶段,运用调查法,通过问卷调查法和访谈法对云南省高校财务信息化的现状作出的相关调查与4所受访高校的财务信息化建设的现状分析,,从而探知云南省高校财务信息化建设存在的问题,并从财务信息化建设的内外部环境因素出发,对当前云南省高校财务信息化建设存在问题的进行成因分析。 目前,云南高校财务信息化尚处于发展的进程中,其中出现了许多新情况和新问题,本文从云南省高校财务信息化建设的内外部环境建设两个维度对推进云南省高校财务信息化建设提出建议,其中涉及到政策支持、经费保障等方面,为高校等提供参考,并以此作为全文的结束。
[Abstract]:Education informatization is leading the development of Yunnan universities and colleges and universities financial informatization is the key of management informatization. With the continuous expansion of the scale of running a university and the realization of the interconnection of multiple campuses, the financial work of colleges and universities is becoming diversified and complicated, and the financial management of colleges and universities is facing unprecedented challenges. Therefore, the rationality, compliance and perfection of financial information work in colleges and universities are the key to realizing educational informatization in Yunnan colleges and universities. China Digital Education 2020 Action Plan has clearly pointed out that it is necessary to promote the construction and application of school management information system and realize system integration and data sharing. As an important bridgehead for the southwest, Yunnan universities should take the lead, make full use of the opportunities of transnational exchanges and expand cooperation with neighboring countries. As the key of university management information system, financial informatization can promote the development of colleges and universities reasonably and orderly, and realize scientific and efficient information management. It can play an exemplary role and reference value in the construction of financial information and information system of colleges and universities in China. By studying the development course of financial information in colleges and universities, this paper makes an empirical investigation on the present situation of financial information development in Yunnan universities, analyzes the questionnaire and puts forward the questions, and then draws the countermeasures of how to promote the construction of financial information in colleges and universities in Yunnan Province. In the preparation stage of the thesis, we use the method of literature research, make full use of all kinds of materials, collect, consult, sort out and analyze the relevant works and periodicals, so that we can make use of the information technology in colleges and universities. Financial information university financial management has formed a relatively scientific understanding. In the stage of argumentation of the thesis, by means of investigation, questionnaire and interview, this paper makes a related investigation on the present situation of financial informatization in Yunnan universities and analyzes the present situation of the financial informatization construction of four universities visited. This paper probes into the problems existing in the financial informatization construction of Yunnan universities and analyzes the causes of the existing problems from the internal and external environmental factors of the financial informatization construction in Yunnan colleges and universities. At present, the financial informatization of Yunnan universities is still in the process of development, in which many new situations and problems have emerged. This paper puts forward some suggestions on how to promote the financial information construction of Yunnan universities from the two aspects of the internal and external environment construction of the financial informatization construction of Yunnan colleges and universities, which involves policy support, financial support and other aspects, and provides references for colleges and universities. And this as the end of the full text.


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1 师秀清;;“校园一卡通”与高校财务管理信息化建设[J];山西财经大学学报;2006年S2期

2 张小玲;;浅析高校财务信息公开[J];中国外资;2011年24期




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