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发布时间:2018-04-20 01:22

  本文选题:新医保政策 + 连锁经营 ; 参考:《福建师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国经济持续发展,居民生活水平不断提升,人们更加关注健康问题,再加上新医保政策覆盖面更广、保障水平逐步提高,社会医药消费能力明显提升。但长期存在的药品价格虚高问题并没有得到根本解决,既制约了社会医药消费能力的发挥,也不利于居民健康水平的提高。与此同时,大量医药零售企业开办及网点数量的增加,使我国医药零售行业的竞争持续加剧,国家医疗保险制度的改革,客观上使得这种竞争更趋激烈。因此,研究我国新医保政策下连锁药店经营的行业竞争环境,探索连锁药店实施低成本战略的可行性策略,不仅对于连锁药店本身获得竞争优势具有非常重要的现实意义,也对有效降低药品价格,进而提高社会医药实际消费能力和居民健康水平具有积极作用。 论文首先对企业战略管理的基本理论进行了综述,重点介绍了企业低成本、差异化、集中或聚焦战略的相关理论,为全文研究奠定了理论基础。随后,论文就新医保政策与旧医保政策的差异进行了对比,分析了当前我国的连锁药店的经营现状,以及新医保政策下连锁药店经营的内外部环境,发展机遇及其威胁,认为当前适合我国连锁药店的经营战略为低成本战略,同时指出了连锁药店实施低成本战略的主要关注点。在此基础上,论文对我国新医保政策下,连锁药店实施低成本战略存在的主要问题进行了系统分析,并通过总结“沃尔玛”控制各类经营成本的策略,以从“沃尔玛”低成本经营案例中寻求借鉴及启示。最后,论文提出了我国新医保政策下连锁药店低成本战略的实施以及控制策略,主要就树立现代企业成本管理理念,有效控制采购、人力资源、财务、物流及其他成本方面的具体策略进行了探索。期望本研究对新医保政策下,我国连锁药店的健康发展能够起到一定的参考和指导作用,对降低我国药品价格有所贡献。
[Abstract]:With the sustainable development of economy and the improvement of the living standard of our country, people pay more attention to the health problem, in addition, the coverage of the new medical insurance policy is wider, the security level is gradually improved, and the consumption ability of social medicine is obviously improved. However, the long-standing problem of false high drug prices has not been fundamentally resolved, which not only restricts the exertion of the consumption ability of social medicine, but also is not conducive to the improvement of residents' health level. At the same time, a large number of pharmaceutical retail enterprises and the increase in the number of outlets, the pharmaceutical retail industry in China continues to intensify the competition, the reform of the national medical insurance system, objectively make this competition more fierce. Therefore, it is of great practical significance not only to study the industry competition environment of chain drugstore operation under the new medical insurance policy of our country, but also to explore the feasible strategy of implementing low cost strategy for chain drugstore itself. It also plays a positive role in reducing drug prices and improving the actual consumption capacity of social medicine and the health level of residents. Firstly, this paper summarizes the basic theories of enterprise strategic management, focusing on the related theories of low cost, differentiation, concentration or focus strategy, which lays a theoretical foundation for the full research. Then, the paper compares the difference between the new medical insurance policy and the old medical insurance policy, and analyzes the current situation of the chain drugstore management in our country, as well as the internal and external environment, the development opportunity and the threat of the chain drugstore operation under the new medical insurance policy. This paper points out that the current management strategy of chain drugstore is low cost strategy and points out the main concern of implementing low cost strategy in chain drugstore. On this basis, the paper systematically analyzes the main problems existing in the implementation of low cost strategy of chain drugstores under the new medical insurance policy of our country, and summarizes the strategies of "Walmart" to control all kinds of operating costs. In order to "Wal-Mart" low-cost business case to seek reference and inspiration. Finally, the paper puts forward the implementation and control strategy of the low cost strategy of chain drugstore under the new medical insurance policy of our country. It mainly sets up the modern enterprise cost management idea, effectively controls the purchase, the human resources, the finance, Logistics and other cost aspects of the specific strategy to explore. It is expected that this study can play a certain reference and guidance role in the healthy development of Chinese chain drugstores under the new medical insurance policy and contribute to the reduction of drug prices in China.


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