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发布时间:2018-09-09 11:21
【摘要】:随着我国资本市场的繁荣发展,由于经济制度的不完善,市场监管的不利、我国声誉机制建立不健全等因素,致使我国部分上市公司局限于眼前利益,为了实现公司的预期,频繁运用财务重述、滥用盈余管理、违法违规等手段调整对外财务报告,这严重了影响财务报告的质量,这些行为扰乱了我国资本市场的正常秩序,对我国市场经济的健康发展带来严重的危害,因此许多学者开始致力于这方面的研究。 笔者阅读了国内外大量文献,发现众多学者特别青睐于公司声誉的研究,结果表明公司声誉作为非正式制度可以制约公司管理层的行为,对规范资本市场的正常秩序有很大作用。因此笔者得出公司声誉对财务报告质量具有正向作用,并据此提出假设,选取中国“财富”(中文版)500强企业作为样本,行业榜度量公司声誉,选取财务重述与操纵性应计利润两个指标度量财务报告质量。运用了logistic等回归模型进行描述性统计分析、回归分析来验证本文的假设。 实证结果显示,解释变量公司声誉对财务重述与操纵性应计利润都是显著负相关的,从而验证了本文的假设,公司声誉对财务报告质量具有正向的影响,公司声誉高的企业所提供的财务报告质量也高。本文为了保证结论的可靠性,改变声誉的度量方法以及扩大了研究样本进行了稳健性检验,依然得出相同的结论,,因此得出本文研究是有一定实际意义,希望本文结论可以为我国声誉机制的建立提供理论补充,为维护我国市场经济健康发展提供一些帮助。
[Abstract]:With the prosperous development of our country's capital market, due to the imperfect economic system, the unfavorable supervision of the market and the imperfect reputation mechanism of our country, some listed companies in our country are confined to the immediate interests in order to realize the company's expectation. Frequent use of financial restatement, misuse of earnings management, illegal and illegal means to adjust external financial reports has seriously affected the quality of financial reports, and these acts have disturbed the normal order of the capital market in China. It brings serious harm to the healthy development of market economy of our country, so many scholars begin to devote themselves to the research in this field. The author has read a lot of literature at home and abroad and found that many scholars are particularly interested in the research of corporate reputation. The results show that corporate reputation as an informal institution can restrict the behavior of corporate management. To regulate the normal order of the capital market has a great role. Therefore, the author draws a conclusion that corporate reputation has a positive effect on the quality of financial report, and then puts forward the hypothesis that the Fortune 500 enterprises in China are selected as the sample, and the industry list measures corporate reputation. Financial restatement and manipulative accrual profit are selected to measure the quality of financial report. The logistic regression model is used for descriptive statistical analysis and regression analysis to verify the hypothesis of this paper. The empirical results show that the explanatory variable corporate reputation is significantly negatively related to the financial restatement and the manipulative accrual profit, which verifies the hypothesis that corporate reputation has a positive impact on the financial reporting quality. The quality of financial reports provided by reputable companies is also high. In order to ensure the reliability of the conclusion, change the method of reputation measurement and expand the research sample for robustness test, we still draw the same conclusion, so this study is of certain practical significance. It is hoped that the conclusion of this paper can provide a theoretical supplement for the establishment of the reputation mechanism of our country and provide some help for the healthy development of our market economy.


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