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发布时间:2018-09-11 12:37
[Abstract]:With the opening of the financial market and the deepening of the financial system reform, the banking industry is undergoing tremendous and profound changes. Performance evaluation, as an important link to realize the goal of bank reform, must be guided by the strategic target of bank management. The governance mechanism of commercial banks in our country is gradually transitioning to value management. In accordance with this, the performance evaluation of commercial banks is also gradually changing to the evaluation index of enterprise value. As a new index to reflect the increment of economic capital or the value of shareholders, the value added of economy (EVA) is helpful to guide the banks to realize the management goal of maximizing the value of enterprises, so it has been paid more and more attention to by commercial banks in our country. Commercial banks can effectively control and economize the cost of economic capital by using EVA index to evaluate their performance. But at present, the practical application of EVA in the performance evaluation of commercial banks in our country is still within the scope of pure financial evaluation index, and it is difficult to realize the comprehensive performance appraisal and value management of banks because of the lack of consideration of non-financial factors. In view of this, starting from EVA theory and performance evaluation theory, this paper adopts the research method of combining qualitative and quantitative analysis, theoretical research and empirical research. This paper analyzes and studies how to realize the effective application of EVA in the performance evaluation of commercial banks in China. First of all, based on the theoretical research results of EVA and performance evaluation, this paper analyzes the application status of EVA in performance evaluation of commercial banks at home and abroad. Secondly, based on the basic model of EVA and the particularity of commercial banks, this paper determines the applicable EVA calculation method of commercial banks in our country and carries on the actual calculation, and explains qualitatively and quantitatively the superiority of EVA compared with the traditional performance evaluation index. Finally, in view of the lack of EVA as a single assessment index, the paper combines EVA and BSC to construct the EVA-BSC comprehensive performance evaluation model of commercial banks in China, and takes China Construction Bank as an example to make an empirical analysis on the constructed comprehensive performance evaluation model. Considering the limitation of EVA and its complementary advantages with the balanced Scorecard performance evaluation method, this paper puts forward an improved approach to the pure EVA performance evaluation method. Through the organic integration of EVA and BSC, the author creatively establishes the comprehensive performance evaluation model of balanced Scorecard with EVA as the core of Chinese commercial banks, and designs and explains the index from the five dimensions of EVA, finance, customer, internal process, learning and development. It provides an effective channel for comprehensive assessment, mastery and adjustment of bank performance.


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