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发布时间:2018-09-11 12:32
【摘要】:医药行业是影响国民生活的重要产业,是培育战略性新兴产业发展的关键领域。经历“十一五”期间,我国医药产业发展迅速,在保护和促进人民身体健康、应对自然灾害、促进经济社会发展等方面都做出了重要的贡献。随着工信部2012年发布的《医药工业“十二五”发展规划》,新型药用包装材料将作为新五年时期重点发展领域之一,医药行业将迎来更大的发展机遇。在此政策引导下,ZH公司为克服自身存在的问题,将进行投资建设药用包装桶项目。 首先对药用包装项目进行了概况介绍。从公司基本情况、财务状况和现阶段存在的问题出发引出投资建设药用包装项目的背景,对该项目进行基本情况介绍,分析了该项目投资建设的重要意义。 然后通过对药用包装桶的年需求量进行预测,分为定量预测法和定性预测法两类。通过对两类方法的比较,采用管理人员预测法对公司未来10年药用包装桶的需求量进行了估计。在此基础上,对生产线年产能力进行了设计;然后根据拟定的生产规模、投资方案预测出原始投资总规模,得出原始总投资。结合原材料、人工费用、水电费、厂房设备折旧费等分别计算出两种规格的单位变动生产成本和单位固定生产成本,将单位生产成本进行汇总得到单位变动成本。通过对项目融资和公司融资的比较分析,文中选择公司融资方式。根据医药行业上市公司资产负债率情况,将资产负债率控制在20%以内计算最大银行贷款限额。结合公司实际情况,本次项目投入全部来源于自有资金。 最后对该项目进行了财务、盈亏平衡和风险分析。财务分析中使用折现率15.92%,分别计算出该项目的净现值、内含报酬率、静态投资回收期。盈亏平衡分析从会计盈亏和财务盈亏两个角度展开。风险分析着重分析了项目投资过程中预期会遇到的各类风险,对风险进行识别和分析,,并针对每一种风险提出相应的风险应对策略。
[Abstract]:Pharmaceutical industry is an important industry affecting national life and a key area to cultivate strategic emerging industries. During the "11th Five-Year Plan" period, China's pharmaceutical industry has developed rapidly and made important contributions in protecting and promoting the health of the people, coping with natural disasters, and promoting economic and social development. With the "12th Five-Year Plan" issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in 2012, the new medicinal packaging materials will be one of the key development fields in the new five years, and the pharmaceutical industry will welcome greater development opportunities. Under the guidance of this policy, in order to overcome its own problems, the company will invest in the construction of medicinal packaging barrels project. First of all, the medical packaging items were introduced. Based on the basic situation of the company, the financial situation and the existing problems at the present stage, the background of the investment and construction of the medicinal packaging project is derived, the basic situation of the project is introduced, and the importance of the investment and construction of the project is analyzed. Then, the annual demand of medicinal packaging barrels is predicted, which is divided into two categories: quantitative forecasting and qualitative forecasting. Based on the comparison of the two methods, the demand for pharmaceutical packaging barrels in the next 10 years was estimated by using the management forecasting method. On this basis, the annual production capacity of the production line is designed, and then the total original investment scale is predicted according to the planned production scale, and the original total investment is obtained. Combined with raw materials, labor costs, utilities and depreciation costs of plant and equipment, the unit variable production cost and the unit fixed production cost are calculated respectively, and the unit variable cost is obtained by summarizing the unit production cost. Through the comparative analysis of project financing and corporate financing, the paper chooses the way of corporate financing. According to the asset-liability ratio of the listed companies in the pharmaceutical industry, the maximum bank loan limit should be calculated within 20 percent of the asset-liability ratio. Combined with the actual situation of the company, the project input all from its own funds. Finally, the financial, break-even and risk analysis of the project are carried out. In financial analysis, the discount rate of 15.92 is used to calculate the net present value of the project, including the rate of return, and the recovery period of the static investment. Profit and loss balance analysis from accounting profit and loss and financial profit and loss two angles. Risk analysis focuses on the analysis of all kinds of risks expected to be encountered in the process of project investment, identifies and analyzes the risks, and puts forward corresponding risk coping strategies for each kind of risk.


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