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发布时间:2018-10-16 10:54
【摘要】:随着中国经济的快速发展,企业面临着更加激烈的竞争和复杂的投资环境,如何做好项目的投资分析,做出最科学的投资决策,从而取得最佳的经济效益和社会效益显得尤为重要。因此,在投资前对技改项目进行科学的评估可以为投资者、决策者提供科学决策的依据。 本文以衡变公司特高压交直流技改项目为研究对象,运用项目投资与财务评价的理论了方法对该项目进行分析。全文共分为五个部分。第一部分是绪论,最主要分析了本项目的研究背景与研究意义,并阐述了项目投资的国内外相关文献。第二部分主要介绍了特变衡变公司以及本次技改项目的基本概况,并从衡变公司特高压交直流技术的现状入手,全面分析了现有的技术情况以及存在的问题,深入地阐述了进行项目技术改造的必要性。然后,对该技改项目的产品市场进行了预测分析,并对行业主要竞争对手进行分析,最后提出了项目的建设规模、生产方案以及初步的方案设计。项目方案主要了包括工艺技术方案、土建工程和运输方案、给排水和消防方案、通风空调系统方案、节能环保方案和劳动职业安全方案,得出了本项目建设在技术上是可行的。第三部分是从财务和不确定性方面对该技改项目进行分析和评价,,对可能产生的社会效益进行预测。第四部分分析评价了项目可能存在的风险,并提出了如何控制项目实施过程中的风险。最后对全文进行归纳总结,得出结论,该项目有良好的经济效益和社会效益,是值得投资的。 本文希望通过对衡变公司特高压交直流技改项目这一具体案例的实证研究,为今后的公司其它项目投资提供指引,规避风险,提高经济效益,也为衡变公司的长期规划发展做好坚实的理论基础和战略规划。同时,其结论也可以为其它相关企业的项目决策和项目管理提供科学的参考和借鉴,具有一定的实际意义。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economy, enterprises are facing more fierce competition and complex investment environment. How to make investment analysis of projects and make the most scientific investment decisions, In order to achieve the best economic and social benefits is particularly important. Therefore, scientific evaluation of technical innovation projects before investment can provide scientific decision basis for investors and decision makers. In this paper, the UHV AC / DC technical reform project of HYC is taken as the research object, and the project investment and financial evaluation theory is used to analyze the project. The full text is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction, mainly analyzes the research background and significance of this project, and expounds the domestic and foreign related documents of project investment. The second part mainly introduces the basic situation of UHV AC / DC technology, and analyzes the existing technical situation and existing problems, starting with the current situation of UHV AC / DC technology. The necessity of technical transformation of the project is expounded in depth. Then, the product market of the technical innovation project is predicted and analyzed, and the main competitors of the industry are analyzed. Finally, the construction scale, the production plan and the preliminary scheme design of the project are put forward. The project scheme mainly includes technological scheme, civil engineering and transportation scheme, water supply, drainage and fire control scheme, ventilation and air conditioning system scheme, energy saving and environmental protection scheme and labor and occupational safety scheme. It is concluded that the construction of the project is technically feasible. The third part is to analyze and evaluate the technical innovation project from the aspects of finance and uncertainty, and to predict the possible social benefits. The fourth part analyzes and evaluates the possible risks of the project and puts forward how to control the risks in the process of project implementation. Finally, the conclusion is drawn that the project has good economic and social benefits and is worthy of investment. This paper hopes to provide guidance for the investment of other projects in the future, to avoid risks and improve economic efficiency through the empirical study on the UHV AC / DC technical reform project of Heng Transformer Company. Also for the company's long-term planning and development to do a solid theoretical basis and strategic planning. At the same time, its conclusion can also provide scientific reference and reference for other related enterprises' project decision-making and project management, which has certain practical significance.


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