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发布时间:2018-11-03 13:29
【摘要】:当前我国传统能源因其不可再生性而面临发展困境,而新能源产业因其特有的可循环、环保等优势成为投资热点。新能源产业的发展亟需金融支持。国内外学者通过研究表明,,金融支持的变化决定着融资渠道的发展方向,提高新能源企业的融资效率不仅有利于产业的健康、持续发展,还能推动金融服务的改善,达到共同改善、前进的作用。企业的融资效率是影响我国新能源产业发展能否成功的关键,研究我国新能源产业的融资效率具有理论及实际意义。 除自有资本外,新能源产业可借助外部融资为其发展提供经营建设所需的资金。融资渠道的不同导致企业融资效率有差异,进而对新能源产业的产出、生产效率及可持续都会产生影响。本文通过对影响新能源产业融资效率的因素进行研究,实证剖析融资效率。首先,本文综述国外学者融资的理论,国内融资效率等问题,为之后的研究提供参考;其次,本文理顺新能源、融资、效率和融资效率的概念和理论等;进而,综合相关学者的观点,对影响融资效率的因素进行系统分析,选择实证指标;然后,确定实证相关指标,对搜集到的指标数据进行处理,采用多元线性回归方程法,实证分析新能源上市企业的融资效率,得出所选自变量对因变量的影响,得出实证结果;最后,提出通过完善金融市场、加大政策扶持等措施,结合新能源产业的发展阶段、内部融资和外部融资的情况,从金融监管体系、创新金融服务、扩大新能源企业规模,缓解新能源企业的融资困境,以期提新能源企业的融资效率,构建更加完整、系统的新能源上市公司体系,推动新能源产业的整体发展。
[Abstract]:At present, the traditional energy of our country is faced with difficulties because of its non-renewable nature, and the new energy industry has become the investment hotspot because of its unique advantages of recycling and environmental protection. The development of new energy industry needs financial support. Domestic and foreign scholars show that the change of financial support determines the development direction of financing channels. Improving the financing efficiency of new energy enterprises is not only conducive to the healthy and sustainable development of industry, but also can promote the improvement of financial services. To achieve common improvement, the role of progress. The financing efficiency of enterprises is the key to the success of the development of new energy industry in China. It is of theoretical and practical significance to study the financing efficiency of new energy industry in China. Besides its own capital, the new energy industry can provide the capital for its development by external financing. Different financing channels lead to different financing efficiency, which will have an impact on the output, production efficiency and sustainability of the new energy industry. In this paper, the factors influencing the financing efficiency of new energy industry are studied, and the financing efficiency is analyzed empirically. First of all, this paper summarizes the theory of financing of foreign scholars, domestic financing efficiency and other issues to provide a reference for future research; secondly, this paper straightens out the concepts and theories of new energy, financing, efficiency and financing efficiency, etc. Then, synthesizes the related scholar's viewpoint, carries on the systematic analysis to the influence financing efficiency factor, selects the empirical index; Then, the empirical indicators are determined, the collected index data are processed, and the multiple linear regression equation method is used to empirically analyze the financing efficiency of the listed enterprises of new energy, and the influence of the selected independent variables on the dependent variables is obtained, and the empirical results are obtained. Finally, through improving the financial market, increasing policy support and other measures, combining the development stage of the new energy industry, internal and external financing, from the financial supervision system, innovative financial services, expanding the scale of new energy enterprises, In order to improve the financing efficiency of new energy enterprises, to build a more complete and systematic new energy listed company system, and to promote the overall development of new energy industry.


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