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发布时间:2018-11-22 09:23
[Abstract]:"three public funds" refers to the expenditure incurred by the personnel of government administrative institutions when they go abroad on business, purchase and operate business vehicles, and receive official services. It is an important part of the operating cost of government administration. It is an important guarantee for the normal operation of state administrative organs, the management of state and social public affairs according to law, and the performance of social services. In recent years, with the development of social economy and the improvement of people's living standard, citizens' consciousness of participating in political affairs and supervision has been awakened. The operation cost and efficiency of the government administration began to become the focus of the public. In particular, since 2007, with the promulgation and implementation of the "regulations of the people's Republic of China on the opening of Government Information," government officials have used the "three public funds" to lavish and wasted money, and incidents of breaking the law of enriching their own money have been frequently exposed by the media. The focus of public attention has gradually shifted from requiring "three public funds" to supervising the legitimacy and efficiency of "three public funds" expenditures. June 30, 2011, The standing Committee of the National people's Congress has passed a resolution on approving and publicizing the budget implementation of central government administrative institutions for the year 2010. Since then, local government departments have also announced the administrative funds and the "three public funds" to the public one after another. Based on transparent government theory, sunshine government theory, responsible government theory and public budget theory, this paper tries to make clear the relevant concepts by referring to the existing research results at home and abroad, combining with the actual case analysis of the L district of W City, which is based on the theory of transparent government, the theory of sunshine government, the theory of responsible government and the theory of public budget. On the basis of solving the principal contradiction, this paper makes a thorough theoretical analysis and explanation on the control and management of the "three public funds", which are concerned by the media and the public at present. This paper attempts to discuss the countermeasures and suggestions to promote the scientific, transparent, standardized use and control of the "three public funds" of our government. There are six chapters in this paper. The first chapter is an overview. Firstly, this paper briefly introduces the background of the control of "three public funds" at home and abroad, and on this basis, leads to the decision made under the premise of "three public funds" in the L district of W City under the premise of transparency. Secondly, it introduces the important significance of the control research of "three public funds", and introduces the analytical methods adopted in this paper. The second chapter, the domestic and foreign research present situation. By searching and reading the relevant documents, we can understand the problems existing in the use of the "three public funds", especially the problems existing in the use of the "three public funds", and study the relevant policies and effects that have been issued at home and abroad at present. Chapter three, the control status of "three public funds" in L district of W city. This chapter analyzes and studies the relevant data of "three public funds" from 2011 to 2013 in L area, starting with the overall data of L area, focusing on the analysis of the funds for going abroad on business, the purchase and operation cost of business vehicles. The change trend of official hospitality over the years, find out the problems existing in the use of "three public funds". Chapter four, the reason analysis of "three public funds" in L district of W city. Based on the analysis of the third chapter, this chapter analyzes the causes of the problems from the angle of budgeting, execution and adjustment. The fifth chapter, "three public funds" control measures research. On the premise of data analysis and reason analysis in the first two chapters, taking the L area of W city as the foothold, the paper puts forward the control measures to the local "three public funds", so as to extend to all regions and the whole country to solve similar problems. Chapter VI, conclusion. Summarize and extend the viewpoint of this paper.


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