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发布时间:2018-11-22 11:17
【摘要】:园艺用品行业伴随着园艺业的发展而发展,对改善人们的居住环境起着重要的作用,随着人们环境意识的逐渐加强,园艺用品行业在各国得到了蓬勃发展。新西兰环境优美,是世界园艺大国,其“世界上最后一片净土”的美称主要得益于政府及市民强烈的环境意识和绿化意识。园艺行业的发展壮大势必带来对园艺用品需求的增加。新西兰加工制造业很薄弱,大部分机械设备都要从国外进口来满足国内的需求。长期以来,欧美、澳大利亚的园艺设备品牌一直占据着新西兰园艺用品市场主要份额。中国的园艺用品市场虽然在早期发展缓慢,但最近十几年,在世界园艺用品产业强势发展的带动下,已得到迅速发展,在为世界园艺用品品牌代工的同时,逐渐产生了中国自主的园艺用品品牌,其产品质量性能已得到世界市场的认可,中国自主园艺用品品牌已具备了冲击新西兰地区园艺用品市场的实力。 本论文通过对园艺用品行业现状、中新两国间的贸易状况、新西兰的政策经济环境、新西兰市场容量及竞争状况、营销策略等多方面进行分析,制定出了REIDY园艺用品有限公司的创业方案。研究分析结果表明:新西兰对园艺用品的需求很大,蕴藏商机,尽管其他国家产品竞争性强,但只要REIDY公司明确市场定位,多方面拓宽销售渠道,凭借物美价廉的优势,公司所经营的产品是能够在新西兰市场占有一席地并实现预期收益的。通过预算,公司创业投资100万人民币,预计投资回收期为三年半,是一项投资不多、收益稳定的创业投资项目。
[Abstract]:With the development of horticulture industry, horticultural products industry plays an important role in improving people's living environment. With the gradual strengthening of people's environmental awareness, horticultural products industry has been booming in various countries. New Zealand has a beautiful environment and is a world horticultural country. Its laudatory title of "the last piece of pure land in the world" is mainly due to the strong environmental awareness and greening consciousness of the government and the public. The development of horticultural industry is bound to bring about an increase in the demand for horticultural supplies. New Zealand's manufacturing industry is weak and most machinery is imported to meet domestic demand. For a long time, American, Australian horticultural equipment brand has been occupying New Zealand horticultural supplies market share. Although the horticultural products market in China developed slowly in the early stage, in the last ten years, driven by the strong development of the world horticultural products industry, it has been developing rapidly, and at the same time it is working as a contract manufacturer for the world horticultural products brands. China's own horticultural products brand has gradually emerged, its product quality and performance has been recognized by the world market, China's own horticultural products brand has the strength to impact New Zealand horticultural products market. This paper analyzes the current situation of horticultural products industry, the trade situation between China and Singapore, the policy and economic environment of New Zealand, the market capacity and competition of New Zealand, the marketing strategy and so on. Developed REIDY Horticulture supplies Co., Ltd.'s entrepreneurial plan. The results of research and analysis show that New Zealand has great demand for horticultural supplies and has great business opportunities. Although the products of other countries are highly competitive, as long as REIDY Company clearly defines the market position and widens the sales channels in many ways, it can rely on the advantage of good quality and cheap prices. The company's products are able to take a seat in the New Zealand market and achieve expected returns. Through the budget, the company venture capital 1 million yuan, estimated investment payback period of three and a half years, is a small investment, stable return on venture capital project.


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