本文关键词: 复杂金融衍生品 适当性义务 信息披露 举证责任 投资者保护 出处:《上海师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Complex financial derivatives trading is an important channel of risk management and investment profit in the financial derivatives trading market. Since its rise in -30s, it has been highly flexible and individualized. The advantage characteristics of high leverage have been explosively developed. However, its advantages also determine the potential high risk: the complexity of pricing mechanism, the special risk, the distortion of credit rating, the complexity of pricing mechanism, the special risk, the distortion of credit rating, the complexity of pricing mechanism, the special risk and the distortion of credit rating of complex financial derivatives. Dissimilation. And this feature is also revealed in a series of huge loss disputes, so it has become an important issue of investor protection in financial derivatives trading. Given the difference between complex financial derivatives and general trading contracts, guarantee contracts, It is more appropriate to characterize it as a special kind of financial contract. The correct characterization of it is also the starting point for the perfection of its system. The development of preferential protection of the weak has laid a solid legal foundation for investor protection in complex financial derivatives transactions. However, it should be noted that, In complex financial derivatives trading, both the principle of "buyer's ego" and the principle of "seller's responsibility" have room to apply. It is necessary to recognize the relativity of the application of the principle of "buyer's ego" and to correctly position the principle of "seller's responsibility". To truly grasp the tone of investor protection. The importance of investor due diligence to market stability and investor protection. Japan and other major countries and regions have formed different investor suitability systems. However, their institutional defects have gradually exposed a series of legal problems. For example, they have deprived some investors of the opportunity to participate in fair investment. Its particularity challenges the "appropriateness" standard, the lack of pertinence of the rules and a series of legal problems brought by the deviation of the system itself. In the field of investor protection, the disclosure obligation of financial institutions is the core mechanism to correct the information asymmetry between financial institutions and investors. The obligation of information disclosure is different from that of general information disclosure. Among them, the obligation of risk prompting and the obligation of recommendation are challenged. In the current information disclosure system, the deviation of the idea of information disclosure system, Many legal problems, such as the lack of disclosure motivation, the restriction of disclosure effectiveness, the doubt of disclosure degree, and so on, need to be solved urgently. From this point of view, we can try to revise the concept of system, construct dynamic mechanism, and emphasize investor education. In the disputes caused by complex financial derivatives, a reasonable allocation of the burden of proof is a prerequisite for financial institutions and investors to be treated fairly when they are in court. It is precisely because of the particularity of complex financial derivatives that investors are faced with the dilemma of proving evidence. Therefore, it is necessary to properly increase the burden of proof of financial institutions and reduce the burden of proof of investors. To weaken investor's burden of proof on subjective fault, these two measures can protect investor's interests to some extent.
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