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发布时间:2018-02-10 10:06

  本文关键词: 商业银行 小微企业 贷款 策略研究 出处:《西南科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Small and micro enterprises have an important strategic position in the economic and social development of our country, and are the important foundation to maintain the steady and fast development of national economy. In the process of development of small and micro enterprises in our country, there are always great risks of survival, imperfect credit system and difficult to obtain effective guarantee documents. In addition, the small and micro enterprises have a tight time in terms of capital demand. The characteristics of short period and diversification make the credit financing of small and micro enterprises and the inherent credit financing mode and requirements of commercial banks of our country have great obstacles and gaps. This paper fully discusses the bright spots, characteristics and business advantages of foreign large commercial banks in the area of small and micro enterprise credit financing. On the basis of analyzing the credit financing mode of small and micro enterprises in China, This paper analyzes the present situation of credit financing of small and micro enterprises in China's commercial banks, and analyzes the causes of credit financing problems of small and micro enterprises from the perspectives of banks, small and micro enterprises and macro financial environment. The unequal credit financing market is the main reason for the credit financing problem of small and micro enterprises. Therefore, the improvement of credit financing market and the provision of adequate credit financing for small and micro enterprises are the key to solve the problem. The state-owned commercial banks, which are the main force of China's financial industry, have financial constraints on small and micro enterprises due to the reasons of their system and mechanism. At the same time, The active private lending and the upsurge of private capital provide a way to solve the financing of small and micro enterprises. In the case of imperfect credit financing market, regulate private lending. Speeding up the adjustment and optimization of state-owned commercial banks' equity structure and making full use of private capital to develop private banks have become the core of solving the problem of credit financing for small and micro enterprises. Finally, from improving the external policy environment, Deepen the adjustment of the equity structure of state-owned commercial banks, vigorously develop private banks, improve the credit financing system, upgrade the management level of credit financing, and actively adjust themselves by small and micro enterprises, The paper analyzes the countermeasures of credit financing from the angle of financing predicament breakthrough.


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