本文关键词: 信托受益权 信托受益权流转 流转市场 受益人风险控制 出处:《昆明理工大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The trust industry of our country developed earlier than the enactment of the Trust Law. Since October 1st 2001, the Trust Law of the people's Republic of China has been implemented, the trust industry has developed rapidly in our country. According to the data provided by the Trust Industry Association, we can see that by end of 2016, The total capital of the trust industry in our country has reached nearly 20.2 tillion yuan. If we can make full use of such a large scale of funds, so that they can flow into the financial market and realize their capital value, That will have a profound impact on the progress of the real economy and the development of the trust system in our country. The circulation of trust products is not smooth in our country. At present, the circulation of beneficial right of trust based on the establishment of trust plan is also a lot of obstacles: in terms of legislation, although the Trust Law of our country explicitly stipulates that the beneficial right of trust can be transferred, However, there are no provisions on the specific way and operation flow of the transfer of the beneficial right of the trust, the nature of the beneficial right of the trust cannot be determined, and whether the beneficial right of the trust can be pledged cannot be determined. The relevant supporting system needed for the transfer of the right is also in a state of absence. In terms of practice, there is no unified market for the transaction of trust beneficial rights in China at present. There is no perfect information disclosure platform. Based on the above problems, the beneficial rights of trust can not be fully circulated, and the function of trust system is not given full play. The system design of trust beneficial right circulation in Japan and Taiwan is relatively perfect, and some of their legislative experience and the construction of related supporting system are worthy of our country's absorbing and drawing lessons. This paper studies and ponders over the application of Japan and Taiwan, and puts forward some suggestions to perfect the system according to the actual situation of trust beneficial right circulation in China. The main suggestions are as follows: clear the nature and pledge of trust beneficial right. Perfect trust registration system, trust supervisor system and other supporting systems, build trust beneficial right trading market and perfect information disclosure platform.
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