本文选题:贷款损失拨备 切入点:金融租赁 出处:《复旦大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The provision for loan losses is the reserve that financial institutions draw to compensate for future losses on assets. The correct provision of provisions can not only truly reflect the quality of the assets, but also effectively guard against risks.Loan loss is the first line of defense before the capital formation impact caused by loan loss. Therefore, loan loss provision has become one of the ideal tools for macro-prudential supervision in China.At the same time, financial leasing has become the second largest financing method in the world after the commercial bank credit, and our financial leasing is in a period of vigorous development. In recent years, the scale of financial leasing has expanded rapidly, and it has made a great contribution to the real economy.It is necessary to study from this angle.This paper first reviews the various theories about loan loss provisions, expounds the difficulties in the provision of provisions, and the problems and effects brought about by the deviation of provisions, so the research on the method of provisions and provisions can achieve the purpose of measuring provisions correctly.The practice and research experience of loan losses and provisions in our country is not long, so we can not talk about the differential development of financial institutions' provisions, but there must be differences among different financial institutions, so we should divide and rule them.Therefore, this paper puts forward a special scheme to improve the method of financial leasing company by comparing the general methods of provision and provision in our country, in order to adapt to the characteristics of financial leasing.Then through the analysis of financial leasing companies and provisions for the pro-cycle problems, on the basis of studying the current situation of domestic financial leasing companies, the use of econometric analysis,This paper verifies the procyclical effect of financial leasing companies' provisions and puts forward a solution to overcome the periodic factors by using the theory of dynamic provision.The main purpose of this paper is to improve the management level of financial leasing companies by studying the provisions and provisions, to give full play to the role of provisions, to achieve stable management, and to stabilize economic fluctuations.
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