发布时间:2018-04-08 08:32
本文选题:农业银行 切入点:农业贷款 出处:《福建农林大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:商业银行是现代金融体系的重要组成部分之一,其肩负着调节经济、信用创造、信用中介、支付中介和金融服务等五个基本职能。在这五个基本职能中又以信用中介为商业银行最根本、也是最能体现其经营活动特征和本质的职能。信用中介这一职能不仅实现了社会资金的融通,更能让银行从中获得利益收入,进而形成银行利润。因此,商业银行的贷款业务始终在其业务中占有重要比重。但由于商行在开展贷款业务的过程中始终需要面对不断变化的经济形势和不同类型的客户群体,这也就导致其业务结果存在着一定的不确定性,而这种不确定性就构成了银行贷款业务的风险。由于商业银行的业务与风险之间存在着高度的相关性和伴随性,因此在商业银行的制度构成和日常运营中,风险管理始终是重要的一部分,对于那些规模巨大、业务范围广泛的大型商业银行来说更是如此。 我国作为一个农业人口与农业经济占总人口和总体经济规模比重较大的发展中国家,加之政府在农业相关产业上实行的政策倾斜。因此,农业银行在承担与其他商业银行类似业务的同时,更承担着面向农业的重要业务,即农业贷款。农业银行通过农业贷款的发放来促进农业发展并优化农业产业结构。但由于农业自身所拥有的周期性等特征,因此农业贷款与工商业贷款相比具有两个显著特征:第一,贷款期限较长;第二,贷款利率较低。作为大型国有商业银行,农业银行在执行国家相关政策上扮演着重要角色,因此建立起一套相应的科学高效风险防范体系对其拥有不言而喻的重要性。但在实际中我们也可以看到,由于农业银行受到自身存在的产权不清晰、改革不彻底、监督的不到位、市场定位不明确和坏账积压等一系列因素的影响,这使得它在当下面临着许多问题,无论是在应对来自内部或者外部的风险,其抵御能力都较为欠缺。在金融系统、银行系统和实体经济三者联系愈来愈紧密的时代,以农业银行这种大型商业银行为代表的金融机构如果不能科学管理其在日常经营活动中所面对的风险并由此受到风险的冲击,就会对金融体系乃至国民经济造成极大的不利影响。因此,明确风险的来源并建立起相应的防范机制是商业银行自身和相关监管机构的重要责任。 在经历了2008年席卷全球的金融风暴后,各国当局及金融系统监管部门纷纷意识到银行业风险防范的重要性,在一系列的磋商中各国对于银行系统的监管达成了较多的新共识,这些共识集中体现在巴塞尔协议Ⅲ的出炉上。因此可以说巴塞尔协议Ⅲ代表了近年来欧美国家在银行业的审慎监管上的反思、经验以及教训。纵观我国,虽然我国现代银行体系起步较迟,但在改革开放以及经济全球化的双重推动下,我国的银行业也经历了一段高速发展的历史并已经逐步融入国际金融体系中,但在这之中也相应地产生了一些问题。因此国外商业银行的相关经验对于我国的银行业的风险监管有一定的借鉴和启发意义。 由于受到国际金融形势多变性、国内经济状况复杂性、农业经济自身特殊性和政府相关政策倾斜性等因素的综合影响,无论是当前还是未来,农业银行在其贷款风险管理和防范上都将面临较多挑战。因此,做好相应的风险管理工作不仅有利于农业银行更好地发挥农业贷款的作用,更有利于其长远发展和国民经济的稳健运行。 本文在分析总结了当前国内外商业银行所面临的风险基础上,从2009—2011年农业银行的农业贷款数据出发,分析了农业银行农业贷款业务与不良贷款率的变化及原因,探讨了当前农业银行在农业贷款业务上所面临的机遇与挑战,同时对农业银行如何防范农业贷款风险提出了一些建议。
[Abstract]:Commercial banks are one of the most important parts of modern financial system , which has five basic functions such as adjustment of economy , credit creation , credit intermediary , payment intermediary and financial services .
As a developing country with large proportion of agricultural population and agricultural economy and large proportion of total population and overall economic scale , China ' s government is inclined to carry out policies in agriculture - related industries . Therefore , the agricultural bank is more responsible for the important business of agriculture , that is , agricultural loan , while undertaking similar business with other commercial banks .
Second , the interest rate of the loan is low . As a large state - owned commercial bank , the agricultural bank plays an important role in the implementation of the state - related policy . Therefore , we can see that , because the agricultural bank is confronted with many problems such as unclear property rights , incomplete reform , imperfect supervision , uncertain market positioning and bad debt backlog , it will have a great negative impact on the financial system and the national economy . Therefore , it is the important responsibility of the commercial banks themselves and the relevant regulators to establish the corresponding prevention mechanism .
After experiencing the global financial crisis of 2008 , the national authorities and the financial system supervision departments have realized the importance of the banking risk prevention . In a series of consultations , countries have reached a lot of new consensus on the supervision of banking system , which is reflected in Basel III . Therefore , in our country , although the modern banking system of our country has started late , China ' s banking industry has been gradually integrated into the international financial system . Therefore , the relevant experience of foreign commercial banks has some reference and inspiration to the risk supervision of China ' s banking industry .
Therefore , it is not only beneficial to the agricultural bank to better play the role of agricultural loan , but also to the long - term development of its long - term development and the sound operation of national economy .
Based on the analysis of the risks faced by commercial banks at home and abroad , the paper analyzes the changes and causes of agricultural loan business and non - performing loans in agricultural bank from 2009 to 2011 , and probes into the opportunities and challenges faced by the current agricultural bank in agricultural loan business , and puts forward some suggestions on how to prevent agricultural credit risk .
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