[Abstract]:In this paper, a dynamic model of single asset price with a risk-adjusted fitness function is established under the market-maker mechanism. Two types of investors (fundamental analysts and chart analysts) are considered in the market, in which chart analysts adopt the simplest trading rules. The single asset model is extended to multiple assets, and the local asymptotic stability and bifurcation theory of discrete dynamic systems are used to analyze the corresponding deterministic systems. It is concluded that when 渭 increases, the stable region of the system at the fixed point shrinks, indicating that the faster the marketer adjusts the market price, the weaker the role of the marketer in stabilizing the market is. The Hopf bifurcation boundary value is positive and negative. It is shown that both the chaser behavior and the headwind behavior can destroy the stability of the system at the fixed point. In the empirical analysis, this paper uses the statistical analysis method to compare the economic characteristics of the income series of the simulation data obtained from the model and the real market data.
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