[Abstract]:In the development of internet finance in China, the malicious run-off seems to be seen as a natural result of the online lending industry. However, since 2016, the benign exit rate of China's online lending industry platform has increased rapidly as the regulation of the Internet financial industry in China has advanced. Through the in-depth study of this phenomenon, this paper finds out the causes of this phenomenon, including, objectively, the limitation of the business model caused by the new regulatory measures and the increase in the company cost caused by the new threshold. Subjectively including the cost expectation error of the net loan company itself, the risk management mismanagement and so on, and proposes that the individual lender and the supervisory department may establish the early warning index system and the network loan information platform accordingly, And then to standardize the development of China's network lending industry to provide new ideas.
【作者单位】: 天津商业大学;
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