发布时间:2019-05-17 13:03
【摘要】:公益信托是指单纯以公共利益为信托目的而设立的信托。公益信托目的之排他性、受益人之不确定性是公益信托两大突出特点。我国于2001年颁布《信托法》,并设立专章(第六章,共十五个条文)规定了公益信托制度。然而之后的几年中,我国并未出现公益信托案例,,该章规定非常遗憾地被束之高阁。直至2008年我国四川汶川地区发生里氏8级地震,地震灾区损失惨重,为支持灾区重建工作,中国银监会下发了《关于鼓励信托公司开展公益信托业务支持灾后重建工作的通知》。在此契机下,才出现了学界所认可的第一例成功公益信托——“5·12抗震救灾公益信托”。随后又出现了几例以灾区教育、扶残为信托目的的公益信托,如“郑州慈善公益信托计划”、“金色盾牌重庆人民警察英烈救助基金公益信托”等。然我国公益信托的发展在之后的时间里仍处于停滞状态,直至2011年,才又出现个别的案例,且规模较小。因此,研究我国公益信托制度,对公益信托发展缓慢的原因进行探查研究以促进其成熟发展,显得十分有必要。 在信托关系中,受托人对信托目的的实现起到关键作用,公益信托亦然。与商业信托不同,公益信托还具有受益人不特定性的特点,一定程度上制约了受益人各项权利之行使,因此,公益信托受托人制度的构建与完善显得更加重要。本文拟在研究我国公益信托现状的基础上,对我国受托人制度进行评析,并借鉴国外经验提出完善建议。 本文正文部分由四个章节组成: 第一章主要讨论了公益信托之起源及内涵,在讨论了公益信托本身所具有的公益性和受益人不特定性等特点后,将公益信托与基金会进行比较,指出公益信托与基金会的四点区别,如组织形式上,公益信托不受法人组织机构限制,运行成本更低;在设立方面,公益信托设立资金门槛更低;在运行监督上,公益信托受托人受信托义务(fiduciary duties)的约束,遵照信托协议管理信托财产,同时接受公益事业主管机关、信托监察人、委托人及受益人的监督等。第二章分别从实务与立法两个方面对我国目前公益信托之发展进行总结与评析,并对目前为止我国实务领域出现的公益信托案例进行了统计,提出了我国公益信托在实务中存在纯公益信托实践案例较少、受托人单一、公益信托大多由信托公司发起等特点。就此,笔者分析了目前我国法律对公益信托受托人的相关规定,发现造成我国公益信托实践现状的主要原因是,目前《信托法》中对公益信托登记、受托人准入及受托人监管方面等规定缺乏实践可操作性。第三章以问题为导向,介绍了英美国家、日本以及我国台湾地区在受托人准入、受托人登记以及受托人监管等方面相关制度与经验。第四章就目前我国公益信托受托人制度中存在的受托人单一、现有规定缺乏实践可操作性等不足,提出应当在《信托法》中规定公益信托受托人资格的限制性条件,同时在主体方面放宽我国受托人资格,形成以法人为主,其他各种组织形式共同参与的模式;并建议将公益信托设立许可制改为设立准则制,同时设立与准则制配套的统一登记机构和监督机构。
[Abstract]:A public interest trust refers to a trust established solely for the purpose of a public interest. The exclusiveness of the purpose of the public welfare trust, the uncertainty of the beneficiary is the two outstanding characteristics of the public welfare trust. Our country enacted the Trust Law in 2001 and set up a special chapter (Chapter VI,15 articles) to set out the public welfare trust system. In the next few years, however, there is no public interest trust case in our country, which stipulates that it is very sorry to be in the high court. To support the reconstruction of the disaster area, the CBRC issued the Notice of encouraging trust companies to carry out public welfare trust business to support post-disaster reconstruction work. In this case, the first successful public welfare trust _ "5 路 12 Trust for Earthquake Relief and Disaster Relief" recognized by the academic circle has emerged. Several public welfare trusts, such as "Zhengzhou Charity Trust Scheme", "Golden Shield, Chongqing People's Police, Yinglie Relief Fund, Public Welfare Trust", and the like, have also appeared in the disaster area education and the disabled as the purpose of the trust. However, the development of the public welfare trust in China is still at a standstill in the following time, until 2011, only individual cases appear, and the scale is small. Therefore, it is necessary to study the cause of the slow development of the public welfare trust in order to promote the mature development of the public welfare trust system in China. In the trust relationship, the trustee plays a key role in the realization of the trust purpose, and the public welfare trust also However, unlike the commercial trust, the public welfare trust has the characteristics of the non-specific nature of the beneficiary, and the exercise of the rights of the beneficiary is restricted to some extent. Therefore, the construction and the improvement of the trust trustee system of the public interest are more serious In this paper, on the basis of studying the current situation of China's public welfare trust, this paper analyzes the system of the trustee of our country, and puts forward the perfect construction with reference to the foreign experience. The text of this paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter mainly discusses the origin and connotation of the public welfare trust. After discussing the characteristics of the public welfare and the non-specific property of the public welfare trust, the public welfare trust and the fund are discussed. The comparison is made to point out that the four-point difference between the public welfare trust and the foundation, such as the organization form, the public interest trust is not limited by the organization of the legal person, and the operation cost is lower; in the establishment of the public welfare trust, the fund threshold for the establishment of the public welfare trust is lower; and On the operation supervision, the trustee of the public welfare trust shall be bound by the trust duties, and the trust property shall be managed in accordance with the trust agreement, and the competent authority of the public welfare undertakings, the trust supervisor, the client and the beneficiary shall be accepted at the same time. In the second chapter, the author summarizes and analyzes the development of the present public welfare trust from the two aspects of the practice and the legislation, and makes statistics on the public welfare trust cases in the practice field so far, and puts forward the pure public welfare trust in the practice of our country's public welfare trust. The case is less, the trustee is single, and the public welfare trust is mostly used by the trust company In this respect, the author analyses the relevant regulations of the current law on the trust of the public welfare trust, and finds out that the main reason for the present situation of the practice of the public welfare trust in China is that there is a lack of real public trust registration, the access of the trustee and the supervision of the trustee. The third chapter is based on the problem-oriented, and introduces the relevant aspects such as the admission of the trustee, the registration of the trustee and the supervision of the trustee in the United States, Japan and Taiwan. In the fourth chapter, the author puts forward the restrictive condition of the existence of the trustee in the trustee system of the public welfare trust in our country, and the restriction condition of the qualification of the public welfare trust trustee should be set out in the "Trust Law", and the main body will be relaxed. The trustee is qualified to form a mode of co-participation in the form of legal persons and other forms of organization; and it is proposed that the establishment of the public welfare trust establishment permit system be changed to the establishment of the standard system, and the unified registration mechanism matched with the standard system shall be established.
[Abstract]:A public interest trust refers to a trust established solely for the purpose of a public interest. The exclusiveness of the purpose of the public welfare trust, the uncertainty of the beneficiary is the two outstanding characteristics of the public welfare trust. Our country enacted the Trust Law in 2001 and set up a special chapter (Chapter VI,15 articles) to set out the public welfare trust system. In the next few years, however, there is no public interest trust case in our country, which stipulates that it is very sorry to be in the high court. To support the reconstruction of the disaster area, the CBRC issued the Notice of encouraging trust companies to carry out public welfare trust business to support post-disaster reconstruction work. In this case, the first successful public welfare trust _ "5 路 12 Trust for Earthquake Relief and Disaster Relief" recognized by the academic circle has emerged. Several public welfare trusts, such as "Zhengzhou Charity Trust Scheme", "Golden Shield, Chongqing People's Police, Yinglie Relief Fund, Public Welfare Trust", and the like, have also appeared in the disaster area education and the disabled as the purpose of the trust. However, the development of the public welfare trust in China is still at a standstill in the following time, until 2011, only individual cases appear, and the scale is small. Therefore, it is necessary to study the cause of the slow development of the public welfare trust in order to promote the mature development of the public welfare trust system in China. In the trust relationship, the trustee plays a key role in the realization of the trust purpose, and the public welfare trust also However, unlike the commercial trust, the public welfare trust has the characteristics of the non-specific nature of the beneficiary, and the exercise of the rights of the beneficiary is restricted to some extent. Therefore, the construction and the improvement of the trust trustee system of the public interest are more serious In this paper, on the basis of studying the current situation of China's public welfare trust, this paper analyzes the system of the trustee of our country, and puts forward the perfect construction with reference to the foreign experience. The text of this paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter mainly discusses the origin and connotation of the public welfare trust. After discussing the characteristics of the public welfare and the non-specific property of the public welfare trust, the public welfare trust and the fund are discussed. The comparison is made to point out that the four-point difference between the public welfare trust and the foundation, such as the organization form, the public interest trust is not limited by the organization of the legal person, and the operation cost is lower; in the establishment of the public welfare trust, the fund threshold for the establishment of the public welfare trust is lower; and On the operation supervision, the trustee of the public welfare trust shall be bound by the trust duties, and the trust property shall be managed in accordance with the trust agreement, and the competent authority of the public welfare undertakings, the trust supervisor, the client and the beneficiary shall be accepted at the same time. In the second chapter, the author summarizes and analyzes the development of the present public welfare trust from the two aspects of the practice and the legislation, and makes statistics on the public welfare trust cases in the practice field so far, and puts forward the pure public welfare trust in the practice of our country's public welfare trust. The case is less, the trustee is single, and the public welfare trust is mostly used by the trust company In this respect, the author analyses the relevant regulations of the current law on the trust of the public welfare trust, and finds out that the main reason for the present situation of the practice of the public welfare trust in China is that there is a lack of real public trust registration, the access of the trustee and the supervision of the trustee. The third chapter is based on the problem-oriented, and introduces the relevant aspects such as the admission of the trustee, the registration of the trustee and the supervision of the trustee in the United States, Japan and Taiwan. In the fourth chapter, the author puts forward the restrictive condition of the existence of the trustee in the trustee system of the public welfare trust in our country, and the restriction condition of the qualification of the public welfare trust trustee should be set out in the "Trust Law", and the main body will be relaxed. The trustee is qualified to form a mode of co-participation in the form of legal persons and other forms of organization; and it is proposed that the establishment of the public welfare trust establishment permit system be changed to the establishment of the standard system, and the unified registration mechanism matched with the standard system shall be established.
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