本文关键词: 工程咨询公司 绩效考核 BSC 出处:《广西大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:绩效考核有助于充分挖掘员工个人的内在潜力,激励员工的个人成长,促进企业文化的建设和可持续发展。但在现在尚存的工程咨询企业中,大部分企业在结合工程咨询行业的特征和员工特征基础上设计企业自身的绩效考核还存在着很多问题,有待解决和提升。本文选取Z工程咨询公司为研究对象,在了解和掌握相关理论知识和研究分析案例的基础上,对Z公司的绩效考核进行优化。主要从六个模块进行研究:第—部分阐述了本文选题的背景与意义、绩效考核相关理论以及本文研究的主要内容及方法;第二部分对工程咨询行业及行业特点进行了阐述,介绍了Z公司绩效考核的背景,包括Z公司简介、人力资源管理的情况以及绩效考核在Z公司中的作用是否突出;第三部分介绍了Z公司的绩效考核现状,通过调研、访谈和资料收集,分析现有绩效考核存在的问题及原因;第四部分结合前文总结Z公司绩效考核的优缺点,从而确定本文的优化点,进而从不同层面有针对的进行优化改进;第五部分阐述了 Z公司绩效考核改进方案与其他管理制度之间的衔接,以确保新方案能够落到公司管理的具体实践中;第六部分对Z公司绩效考核进行总结,并对后续Z公司绩效考核优化与改进进行研究展望。本文通过对Z公司绩效考核的优化,以期在其后的战略实施过程中,帮助其改进实施效果,对内优化业务流程,提高人员的办事效率和服务质量,对外提升企业的核心竞争力,也希望能为其他同类企业构建绩效考核体系提供借鉴作用。
[Abstract]:Performance evaluation helps to fully tap the inherent potential of employees, motivate employees personal growth, to promote the construction of enterprise culture and the sustainable development. But now surviving engineering consulting enterprises, most enterprises in their own performance appraisal according to the characteristics of engineering consulting industry and employee characteristics on the basis of design, there are still a lot of problems and to be solved and improved. This paper selects the Z engineering consulting company as the research object, on the basis of understanding and mastering the relevant theoretical knowledge and Research on the analysis of the case of Z company's performance appraisal optimization. It mainly from the six modules: the first part describes the background and significance of this paper, the theory of performance appraisal and the main contents and methods; the second part elaborates the engineering consulting industry and industry characteristics, introduces the background of Z company's performance appraisal, including Z company, human resource management and the role of performance appraisal in Z company is outstanding; the third part introduces the present situation, the performance appraisal of Z company through investigation, interview and data collection, analysis of existing problems and causes of performance appraisal; the fourth part summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the previous node with Z company's performance appraisal. In order to determine the optimal point of this paper, and from different levels have improved in; fifth part describes the connection between the Z company performance improvement program and other management system, to ensure that the new scheme can fall to the concrete practice of company management; the sixth part is the summary of performance assessment in Z company, and the subsequent Z the company performance improvement and research prospects. Through the optimization of Z company's performance appraisal, in order to implement the strategy in the subsequent process, to help improve its implementation effect, To optimize business process, improve the efficiency and quality of service, and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, it also hopes to provide reference for other similar enterprises to establish performance appraisal system.
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