本文选题:银企关系 切入点:企业年龄 出处:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China's economy in the main from the previous single subject gradually evolved into diversification, small and medium-sized enterprises as a new force in China's economic participation has become increasingly strong, gradually become one of the important sources of tax revenue in China, solving the employment in promoting China's economic development, and plays an irreplaceable the role of improving people's quality of life. However, SMEs are facing many constraints, lack the support of financial institutions is becoming an important factor in the development of small and medium-sized enterprises of our country lags behind. Small and medium sized enterprises "financing", "financing", is a serious impact on the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises, causing adverse effects to some extent the management of small and medium-sized enterprises enthusiasm. A crucial role in the rapid development of China's economy after the reform and opening up, by contrast, small and medium enterprises to obtain bank The difficulty and cost of loans are much higher than large enterprises especially large state-owned enterprises, private enterprises and why. SME financing expensive financing problems hindering the further development and expansion of enterprises, but also hinder the development of our society and the improvement of living standards, has become a concern of politicians and economists the problem. At present most of the bank enterprise relationship research is carried out based on the existing research on the foreign and the depth, length and size are more concentrated in the relationship between banks and enterprises, not the relationship between bank and enterprise relation network of corporate social embedding such informal institutional factors into account, while the domestic research is to explore the relationship of small and medium-sized enterprise loan availability etc. is not enterprises in different stages of the life cycle effect into account. According to the domestic and foreign research The situation, from the definition of the traditional sense of the relationship between banks and "people" from the point of view of the relationship between banks and enterprises, while the introduction of enterprise age distinguish age stage of the enterprise, study the relationship between banks and enterprises for small and medium-sized enterprises of different age stages of the credit availability effect. Finally, according to the empirical results, put forward some suggestions on the bank the relationship between the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in our country, and put forward the direction for future research in view of the shortcomings of this study. Through the relationship between banks and small and medium-sized enterprises to obtain bank loans can be linked to the study, can provide some help for solving the difficult problem of financing of small and medium enterprises, and can provide empirical evidence for small and medium-sized enterprises to build more good the proper relationship between banks.
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